Friendly Accelerated Thought triggering Reflective teleport

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Blindsight, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    AI teleports out of range of it's own Accelerated thought using Reflective teleport.

    Somewhat of an AI issue, but I think can be lumped into the friendly fire triggering beneficial effects a la Martyr's Blessing. (There are a few more of these that may need to be addressed that I'll be looking into)

    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Blindsight vs Amy,RoomID=272782,Msg=The active player is now Amy
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Amy,Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Blindsight vs Amy,RoomID=272782,Event=PlayAction,Action=Accelerated Thought,Instigator=Blessed Anrime,Targets=Mingolborn Pain-bringer
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Amy,Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Blindsight vs Amy,RoomID=272782,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=,TriggeringActor=Mingolborn Pain-bringer,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=Unknown,TriggerLocation=Hand
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Blindsight vs Amy,RoomID=272782,Player=Amy,Actor=Mingolborn Pain-bringer,Event=Move,Origin=(1, 4),StartFacing=(1, 0),Destination=(1, 5),EndFacing=(0, 1)
    BATTLE WARNING: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Blindsight vs Amy,RoomID=272782,Msg=Invalid action: Accelerated Thought, played by MP AI Priest 4 - too few target actors (0/1)
    BATTLE WARNING: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Blindsight vs Amy,RoomID=272782,Msg=Invalid action: Accelerated Thought, played by MP AI Priest 4 - too few target actors (0/1)
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Blindsight vs Amy,RoomID=272782,Msg=The active player is now Blindsight
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Accelerated thought counts as an attack (and triggers reflexive teleport) due to it's 2 damage. Card effects is WAI I'd say - as for ai moving out or range is another matter, but might be a complex fix.

    (might just be the moving out of range part you consider the issue, then we're in agreement. Thread name had me thinking otherwise however )
  3. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    My issue with it is a bit of both. The AI being dumb is easy to point to.

    The other possible issue (if one believes it to be an issue at all) is being able to get beneficial reactions for attacking your team mates. We've seen this come into play heavily with Marty's Blessing. Certainly some of this is built into the game mechanics, but I'm unsure about the intentions. For instance, why does jump back only trigger on enemy attacks, but reflexive teleport on any attack?

    The other card I want to test is Inspiring Armor. Assume you cast Unholy Power on an ally who has reflexive teleport, Inspiring armor. Should that one spell grant you 4 cards and teleport 2? Seems very out of balance for the resources spent. Broken? Maybe not, just wanted to bring it up for discussion.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Reflexive teleport isn't really that common, so it's hard to exploit really. But as long as the cards have an on-play damage parameter, they'll count as attacks. Inspiring armor lacks keep, so it's a lot of situational work for that to work. Props to you if you do that however, I just count that as creative playing.
  5. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Rarity can not be applied as a balancing factor in games like this. Just as an example, I can get 9 Reflexive teleports on a single character with the items I have currently.

    lvl 18 rare boots
    lvl 18 common staff
    lvl 18 common arcane item
    lvl 15 common arcane item
    lvl 12 common arcane item
    lvl 12 common robes
    lvl 8 rare arcane item

    Welp, yeah haven't played with or against it but I see that it doesn't have keep. So seems like it would be hard to abuse.
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Welp, yourself - that's a lot of relexive t-ports! Then again, you might have an insanely large collection of cards - I hope?
  7. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Not really, sizable perhaps. Notice there are only 2 rare items in there. Just played a game with this character. So funny. t-port missed... t-port missed... t-port succeeded! Enemy stopped attacking her completely. Great for wizard battles!
  8. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'm happy for you to exploit Reflexive Teleport this way, but the AI really shouldn't move out of the way. I'm guessing it wanted to be somewhere else anyway.
  9. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Alrighty then. We'll just deal with the AI doing bad things to itself. haha. (The best is casting an attack to kill their own character!)
  10. attog

    attog Mushroom Warrior

    should an allies card trigger an allies reflexive teleport? I cast unholy power on my mage and he tried to teleport out of the way! I thought allies ignored allies that were "attacking" them
  11. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Reflexive Teleport isn't a block. It actually says "when targeted by an attack from the front". So, it doesn't discriminate between friendly fire and enemy played cards.

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