I heard about this game through my Pulse app, about how F2P game's reputation can be ruined, by the developers. So I decided to give this game a shot, and I have to say...WOW...no. Really. WOW! I've been playing for two days and I enjoy it. Best part is that I think the F2P style they have handled it very well. I only know two games that handle the F2P mechanic, and those are LoL, and Ascend for the XBOX 360. Why? Because all handle it the very same way. The mantra here is Boost 2 Play. Boost to Play, "As in give us some money, and we will help you speed up through the game process, and if you want to stand out from the crowd, buy some extra figures, that will not break the game balance, or give you an edge against a free player". Very Well done. If this game goes in the right direction, then perhaps I will invest in some pizzas. Now, here's my question. Are there any plans or future to make Card Hunter a Android/iOS game? I am always on the go, and I just can't take my laptop everywhere, so I have to really on my handy Android Tablet. It would be real awesome that when I leave, and I can play a match on my tablet, later I comeback from work, and continue my progress on my laptop. Shadow Era is a card game that has that implemented, where you can play it on your tablet, and on your laptop. I am sure the devs have that in mind, I just want to know. Anyway, devs, keep up the good work, please keep doing what other big game mega corps are not doing. "Treating the players as humans and communicate with them" Now if you excuse me, I have some trogs to slay, and to kick the GM's ass!