Figure Package

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Sam Jones, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Sam Jones

    Sam Jones Mushroom Warrior

    My suggestion would be to sell a package deal for 18 figures along with a physical version of the new figures and the nine 'free' figures. These would be die-cut pasteboard with plastic bases to resemble the renderings on the game map. I'd suggest a price of $25. It'd be a good deal for the 18 new figures (which would cost about $30 worth of pizza, I think).

    Here's feedback I'd like to hear:
    • Like this if you'd buy this.
    • If you'd pay more/less for this let me know.
    • If you have any experience or idea of what the cost would be to print and die cut the cardstock and get the bases and ship the whole thing, post a follow up about that.

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