Fighting Mom without gear

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by pliers, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    So, for a while, Mom appears to be the limiting factor in MP ranking. I'm struggling to split games with her, since her gear is just so far ahead of mine.

    Since she's going to be keeping ratings down for a while, I'm wondering what builds will have the best shot at beating her, without requiring gear to do so. Any thoughts?
  2. Aiven

    Aiven Orc Soldier

    As many freeze mages as possible? Ok not the easiest gear to get, but not the hardest either.
  3. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    There is a single cone of cold in the starter decks for frost gear. Not a realistic route to go. By the time you have enough encumbers, you're just as likely to gear out any kind of setup, with minimal Mom issues.
  4. Minmaxer

    Minmaxer Kobold

    Winds of War are pretty easy to get. Pair with Terrain attachments and you can keep Mom off the victory locations and kite her around.
  5. Neofalcon

    Neofalcon Goblin Champion

    I feel I should point out that Mom is always going to "outgear" you as she doesn't use items - her characters use premade decks, in a configuration that's impossible to replicate yourself with items. For example, Mom has Perfect Block, which isn't even available on any items.

    Generally speaking, the biggest weakness (imo) of the AI players in MP is their inability to understand when a character should rush in, and when they should retreat. This makes it much easier to get a kill on AI teams, and once you're a character up it's pretty easy to secure the win.
  6. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    In Beta Impenetrable Nimbus was the primary anti-Mom card. So hunt for some items on your priest which can work that in, then camp the victory squares. Whirlwind and Whirlwind Enemies had also been popular against her.
    Aiven likes this.
  7. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    Mom will outgear you, but she can't outstrategize you. The problem is, while unlocking items, the gear is much greater than normal. Still, I'm already much more comfortable vs her, and rarely play her instead of a person (unlike beta) so my initial worries when making the thread are less relevant.
  8. Dingding123

    Dingding123 Orc Soldier

    I thought yall were talking about Binding of Isaac :V
    progammer likes this.
  9. Jotun

    Jotun Mushroom Warrior

    Just an fyi, in case you dont realize it

    You can uncheck AI matchups to ensure you never have to fight against mom.

    Other than that your best bet is to keep away from meele. Warriors benefits the most from gear increases and hers are carrying some truly insane equipment. If you get into melee range without Impenetrable Nimbus or a crap ton of parry, you die. Chances are good that anyone other than a human/dwarf warrior could get 2 shotted.

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