[FEEDBACK] Yellow power gems issue and other comments

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Imbecile, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Imbecile

    Imbecile Kobold


    I'm playing through and am enjoying the game very much. Initially I was selling my surplus gear, but as time has worn on I'm hanging on to it, so that I can change my approach when necessary. I'm increasingly visiting the shops to pick up the decent 5gp items as my level changes, just so I can change my build more easily when necessary.

    In terms of progression, I've been slowed a couple of times, with some major fails and retries on a few of the missions, but generally my progress has been steady up until about level 16. The game provides a good challenge, and is nicely tactical.

    I'm a bit wary of the multiplayer. I want the loot, but I dont really want to face a trouncing at the hands of other players, plus I'm not sure what to expect. It would be good if I could choose to play Gary to get some more multiplayer experience (not XP!), and kit that way.

    I've had a couple of issues with the uncancellable moves, though I understand the reasoning for that. Hopefully you can find a way to solve the problem.

    Another issue I've had is with the yellow power gems. When you "upgrade" from a blue to a yellow, the only way to choose a new piece of equipment that uses a yellow power gem is to unequip the item that is utilising the yellow gem (even though its only a blue), equip the new yellow gem item, and then re-equip the previous bit of kit. Its a bit laborious and feels like it shouldnt be happening. Apologies if I explained that badly.

    I also noticed that in a couple of instances the dialogue text pre-adventure with Melvin etc was too long to fit in the speech boxes. When this happened a scroll bar appeared next to the speech box, but I was unable to scroll down to see the words.

    I'm also not sure if in every instance there should be a "hyperlink" to the cards description in the commentary when you are playing, but I notices that there wasn't one for Wild Spark when I played recently. Not a major issue.

    I've had a number of crashes, which is frustrating, but assume that will slowly improve.

    And I did spot a typo, but cant read my own writing :)

    Keep up the good work - its a lot of fun!
  2. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    It sounds like your experience has been almost completely identical to mine... and so I don't really have anything else to say :p

    Hope you keep enjoying the game and that you'll come back to the forums with your own suggestions of how to make it even better :)

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