So the recent updates have included a few changes in how we can sell items, and hopefully more are coming. Of note: we have no "Sell excess" button. But I wanted to say how happy I am with the ones currently in place. They don't just serve my needs: they exceed them, and that's awesome. I already got in the habit of ditching all my excess, so things were at "3 of each item" or whatever I wanted. Then, with the "Sell all" (from chest) button, I became able to keep totals right where I left them. Since there's also the item count feature, I just mouse over each item to remind myself what it is and how much I have, then pick out the keepers and ditch the rest. But from there I got an unexpected bonus. Now I can see "whoa, I have 4 of this item by accident?" and correct mistakes. This is exactly what I need because my "excess" varies by item. I never will use a preset "Sell excess" button which I can't customize. The most common suggestions for implementation make assumptions about how many characters I have in my roster, and whether I have one party of active characters and strip all other characters of items at all times. I may switch characters in or out of my active party at any time, I may have duplicates, and I don't like making things harder on myself. "Oh, well, you'll never use more than 3 Shields" isn't true if I keep a Parrying Buckler on 4 or more Priests and Warriors while switching. Trying to correct that and setting a value of 6 for Shields wouldn't work. I wouldn't want to keep 6 copies of Chipped Shield forever. And for the same reason, namely how I don't like making things harder on myself (with an overcluttered inventory). I do have confidence that any "Sell excess" button will be implemented well, even if I don't use it. I say so because this system is already awesome, and adding more functionality that other folks want means it will cover just about everyone's needs. So, woo.
Yeah, I am pretty sure I will start doing that(keeping as many of X item as is needed for all characters that might use it) once I get enough characters going--I hate having to strip characters each time