Firstly let me say I LOVE THIS BUTTON The problem is that in the chest shop it is effectively right over the Epic chest. I know this because when I was opening chests in the shop just now. I cleared out what I wanted and after I hit sell all and clicked reset I apparently double clicked it because the game immediately told me that I didn't have enough Pizza to buy an epic chest. It has been a while since I have purchased a chest in the shop so I can't recall if it has any sort of "click here to confirm" message when you are buying or not. I could see myself as being a little annoyed if I had the pizza and had the game buy an epic chest because of a missclick. I've already bought one costume that way but it was more my fault because I naturally gravitate to the lower right hand corner of the screen for the page select and the page select is at the upper right of the screen. Thankfully it is a costume I can live with but I digress