So, this isn't terribly organized feedback, but I wanted to let BM know that the only part of Card Hunter which makes me disappointed is whenever I hear somebody talking about buying chests with money. I'm not disappointed because the game is pay-to-win, but rather because I know it's not, and throwing money at chests is practically guaranteed to be a disappointment. Basically, ITS A TRAP, and I'm worried that new players are falling into it. Maybe it's a good way to earn money and keep the devs fed, but I would have been super-discouraged and turned off from CH if I had ever spent money on chests. (I spent some of the free pizza on chests in the beta, and quickly realized it wasn't worth it.) There isn't really a good way to fix this, because anything you can buy with money has to be a disappointment as far as guaranteed progress is concerned, lest the game become pay-to-play. Maybe change the cost of all chests into the equivalent (or perhaps double) quantity of gp, so that folks are less inclined to spend money directly?