[Feedback] Odd AI Behavior in Defense of Woodhome

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by hatchhermit, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    So I thought I would report some strange AI behavior. After moving forward once on the first turn. The AI passed every time after that. Here's round 4 before I passed and won. Maybe it was just random but I thought I'd bring it up just in case anyone else notices it.

    Edit: Working on getting the screencap up.

    Attached Files:

  2. Mirkel

    Mirkel Goblin Champion

    I've seen AI do the same on this map and similar stupid things on other maps, like moving its Flying Monkey away from the VP tiles because my wizard is near allowing me to win. It feels that sometimes the AI just doesn't love the VP tiles enough.
  3. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    Yeah, the AI is prone to ignore victory points. Some maps would be a lot harder if it were more interested in them. E.g. in Defense of Woodholm (where there are some squares you have to hold for four turns against three armoured skeletons), you can just kite them away with your warrior while your priest and mage sit on the squares.
  4. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Yeah, I think that is the point of the last board of DoW since I think it's called "Hold On" or something like that. But they didn't even try to kill me or move toward me. What I usually do is let them come about halfway and slowly fall back over 4 rounds with 2 characters trying to kill just one of them while a ranged guy sits on the VP. It hasn't been as intense as it was since it works pretty well, but this was just "Move, Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass". Boring and odd.

    Edit: The name is "Delaying Action".
  5. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    The AI could certainly be improved in many areas, but then many of the levels would become very difficult. The AI also tends to have a deck which is interesting precisely because it's unfair in some way, so I'm personally in favor of a weak-but-diverse AI, rather than having to tone down some of the AI builds to accommodate better decision making.
  6. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    And I agree with all of that. I've done the adventure many times and never saw it before so I don't know if they tweaked the AI somehow and it's acting differently or not. If no one else is seeing that behavior then maybe it was an anomaly.

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