hi, I've started playing the game a week ago or so and here is my feedback. I've reached lvl 8 with a party of warrior(dwarf), cleric(human), wizard(human). I've played only the campaign and the 2 or 3 multiplayer battles for the tutorial. Currently stuck at lords stafford's mission. My first impression is really good, I love the design and the board game feeling. I love cards playing games, even if the cards are a subpart of the game mechanism. The scenarios are well done and it is always a challenge to beat them. I also really like the flavor texts and presentations of the adventures. The only bad part in the adventure is Gary the immature boy and the pizza heavy jokes or whatever it is, at first I didn't mind it but now after hours at playing the game I can't stand Gary anymore He is so annoying, I hate him more and more as I progress in the game. I want subtleness and more depth in the characters, definitely not those two. I think the game mechanics are well done, but the game name doesn't really reflect the reality. You are playing with cards, that's true, but you are hunting gear not cards. Cards are a way of representing the gear power. I certainly do not feel like hunting cards and building decks like other card game around (mostly ccg games: magic, scrolls, ...), it is more like playing a board game with cards and perform the best with what you are given. Grinding and hard difficulty; at first the game was not easy at all but on the other hand I could win the adventures on the first try so it guess it is well balanced. Each time I launched the game, I knew that if I started a new adventure I would need to think a lot and play for at least 30 min. Sometimes I redo the old adventures because I don't want to exercise my brain or jut to do some quick gaming. Everything went well till I hit the lvl6-7-8 area. lvl6-7-8 void? I mean I've enough gold to buy some gear, but nothing is interesting in the shops really. Also the really good gear I want to wear all requires power tokens and I only have a miserable 2 blue at the moment. The equipment I wear is not very different from lvl 6 to 8, It feels like I wear the same garbage and the only thing that prevents me to wear better things are the tokens. This is the grinding part I don't like, I have to level up to equip stuff and replay some dungeons only for the xp. The adventures are also getting more and more difficult because they start to have really good cards compare to mine, and I'm stuck with my old gear with a good piece of gear here and there but nothing really awesome. I have the good gear in my mule but I cannot equip it because of the tokens, this is frustrating. I hope the rest of the game doesn't feel like the past levels where I need to grind xp because I'm undergeared compare to the adventures. The intro battle with the dragon was really good and enjoyable, this is the kind of adventure I want to play! also 2-3-4 hard battles... I don't really see any difficulty progression on those battles for an adventure. Sometimes the first battle is the difficult one and the last one is the easiest. I don't mind but this is not really what rpg games have told me since my childhood ------------------------------- quick word on the ui and the cards: - why healing presence can't be attached to the caster? the wording is not well done on this card. - it is tedious to target the square you are standing on with the bouncing effigy of your character. - life points should be better emphasised -------------------------------- lord stafford's treasure: This is the first adventure I couldn't complete with the 3 tries we are given. I was stubborn I didn't want to change my gear, as a result I could not reach the treasure in time due to difficult terrain. But the adventure seemed weird for a lvl 8 party like mine, the golem on the first battle 2-shotted my dwarf warrior with 2 gold cards with 11 damages or so. I had to play cat and mouse with my cleric to finish him. This happened a lot on the last missions, my dwarf isn't tough enough to sustain all the heavy hitters. I really feel the cards I have are no match for the cards they have in the adventure. And the adventure is lvl8 so I can only equip with 2 blue power tokens. Really, what are the counter to a 7 dmg piercing card at my lvl? I know the adventure is doable with all those bad traits, but you need to be lucky. For the past levels I feel I'm more and more undergeared and that I can't do anything about it. I want the same card they have , or at least something a little better than what I've now. -------------------------------- Overall it seems to be a very good game, at least from the few things I've seen so far. Good job, well done.
It is a deck building game. From the sound of it, you are just using what you percieve as the "best" gear and disregarding the rest. It is a fusion of rpg and card game, and the equipping of gear is your building of the deck. You can't just use the same gear for every mission, or for pvp and expect to win, changing strategies and gear is necessary to deal with various situations. You may not realize you never get enough power tokens to fully gear out in the "best" gear. It is always a trade off, using the best gear you can for each situation and allocating your power tokens where they would best serve that goal based on the gear you have. For example with the golem, they tend to be immobile, you could load up on movement cards, step-cards, polearm attacks, and gear up your mage for maximum ranged damage. To get past the 7 damage piercing card you can either use blocks/parries, or just stay away from them and attack from range. You mentioned feeling undegeared and just having to use what you get, this fits into the card theme again, getting gear is like opening a card pack, sometimes you get something new and useful, and sometimes you don't. The best advice here is to not just sell gear that you percieve as being "worse" than your other gear if it has different cards on it. It might be really useful in different situations. Saying that you don't feel the deck building aspect of the game, but then later that you didn't feel like changing your gear, well maybe that is why Just think of the deck building in a different way, like I said it is a card game/rpg fusion.
thx for the reply The first time I've heard of Cardhunter was 2-3 weeks ago, I signed for the beta and had a key 3 days after. I didn't know what to expect, and at the time I was playing scrolls and watching magic dotp plays. I really like the game don't get me wrong but solely from the name I did not expect a board game. For me it is a board game, just like I think Armageddon Empires is (if you know the game) and myriad of other real board games (monopoly, dune, ...). I want to clarify the "best gear" thing, I don't disregard the other gear but there are gears that are straightforward upgrades of others. And I feel the proper gear to counteract some of the cards in the adventures feels a lot less powerful than it should be. I mentioned the 7 damage piercing card, those are held by the armored hounds. I fear those hounds, they get lots of card thanks to their masters (on the scenario I've trouble with it's the lord himself) , they are tanky thx to their armors and they hit damn hard especially if you face the wrong side. With the card advantage and the step cards they have it's hard to outrun them, but on the last mission of the adventure, you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible because of the treasure tiles. I can't really take my time and as a result I take hard hits. At my level there is nothing in the shop with good blocks/parries, the most block cards I can have is 5 ; 3 on the shield and 2 on weapons with a token. Thats 3 block any @4+, 1 parry and 1 unreliable block. With a better shield (1 token) I can have 4 block any @4+ but the parry is better. I find that 4 blocks is a low count on my "deck", but also they are bronze card and works 1/2 of the time compare to the attack card who is a gold card. I've a very good shield in stock, but it requires a gold token and is lvl18, it has a block any 4+, a block any 4+ with movement, and a block any 3+ with card draw. Sure, I want to use the shield and it would be perfect for the mission, but I don't know when I will be able to use it. Countering very good gold cards with few bronze card, fewer silver cards and lots of normal cards is what I called undergeared in my feedback. For the hard hitting golem, I learned it the hard way but I didn't had to restart the level. On the scenario text I was warned that armor is not good vs them. And indeed armor is not good but nothing is, you just need to keep your distance which is easily done with only one character alive than with the 3 and only one possible movement. I kept my armors despite the warning, and it was a good choice, I quickly get rid of the 2 other characters and then I choose to do a maximum of damage to the golem because it was pointless to try to survive him with the 3 characters. The golem was at 5 hp left when I had to play cat and mouse with my non damage cleric :\. But here again, I play against gold cards which seems somewhat overgeared to what I have access to.