Noob Feedback: I've played two days. Party composition is Human Fighter, Elven Priest, Dwarf Mage. Level 7-8. I think I've cleared almost all of the content up to that level. I purchased the 11 bonus dungeon pack. I'm think I'm approaching how far I can push it without re-running content for better loot drops. Overall, I love the game. The 80's rpg/ccg is right in my wheelhouse. "Where I'm At" as a gamer (for reference): Starting with the early 80's I've played lots of D&D, lots of MTG/ Diablo I + II, and more recently Dominion and Borderlands. I really dug the MTG PC campaign game. I also like to think that I'm relatively up to date with modern tabletop gaming. I'm here because of PA, though I finally got around to signing up for the beta 10 days ago. Feedback nits: 1. The directional targeting for "cone of fire" is sort of fiddly if there are a lot of bodies around. It took me a while to actually figure out exactly which way it wanted to be massaged so that it would cooperate. 2. It feels like there are times when I need the tank to tank, and if he doesn't happen to draw armor cards early then it's over. It might be nice to have a "draw -1 mulligan". If we were playing over the table it might have wound up a house rule. In a related note, sometimes the shuffling feels funky. (And the dice rolls seem fairly improbable at times too.) The shuffling "clumping" issue is true in a lot of computer or mechanically sorted games, including games like rl blackjack and the old MTG PC game. The MTG game sometimes would draw weird groups for a game or two after you adjusted your deck. It could be just my perception. It feels real though. 3. Overall the AI seems pretty solid. I'm new to the game, but I think I only saw one really truly "bad" decision -- at one point I was fighting a fully healthy boss, and my characters were all hiding across the board and near death, but the boss just sat around while I ran the deck (passed repeatedly) to draw healing cards. Unless that boss had no offensive cards -- a human opponent would have pushed the issue, but he just sat there. (I think it was a trog or lizardman priest equivalent. I had killed about 4-6 minions.) 4. The one map with the fire effigy and the 3 skels where you're supposed to run over to the victory squares... maybe I didn't pay enough attention, but it wasn't immediately obvious to me what I was supposed to do with that map. The first try I ignored the victory squares and just tried to take down the skels with dps and my penetration build fighter. And no, it didn't work at all. (This was another map I had to try a third time. The first time was the wrong builds and the second was simply because I drew no armor until about turn four.) 5. fwiw, I was able to get about 12 hours of gameplay out of the game on day 2. I haven't had a "problem" with the quest exhaustion getting in the way of my fun. My "job" and "bleeding eyeballs" are what got in the way the last couple of days. More feedback as think of other stuff -- I'm pretty exhausted myself right now.
Just checked. They're all level 8. "Open" modules right now are The Throne Of Stench (7), The Compass Of Xorr (8), and Order of the Core (8). We'll see how it goes. Onward! Thanks for the great game! (Late edite) ...and unless I'm missing it. I'd definitely pay for the ability to save character builds -- say even 5 builds per character. It would make the whole process a little less fiddly.
....and a trog just jumped back into the lava square at the end of the turn, right after I'd hit him with a "fire cone" spell.
Was it from the Crude Armor's effect? One thing that takes getting used to is that cards that rely on a trigger will trigger regardless of whether or not the owner wants them to. Take advantage of this and you can cause some pretty hilarious stuff to happen.
Some Trogs have a very strong armor with the "drawback" that, when hit, they are pushed back, so you PUSHED him back into the lava, that's a good strat to beat the crude armor if you don't have Penetrating attacks Also yes, you are missing it. At your keep, there's a bottom at the bottom right that says Store/Retrieve, that's where you save your builds Also, talking about shy AI, both the Lizard Priests (Slub Guts and whatnot) and the Trog Wizards (Stench King or not) are very cowardly by design, relying mostly on ranged attacks and kiting you across the map. In fact, i believe the Lizard Priests have like ONE attack card in their whole deck. It's not the AI being dumb, but the AI being considerate
I was wondering what that "store" function was doing -- it saves both your party composition and gear? Excellent. fwiw, I think I hit the "you must be this tall to ride this ride" shortly after that last post: Lord Staffords Treasure (the dps/timed test) and Order of the Core (lava, lava, lava). I didn't try Melvelous the Magnificent, since it was supposed to be "hard". Thanks for the explanations as to what I was looking at.
Also, fwiw, I got two Unholy Nimbus in the first 2-3 days. Odd to have two of the same legendary drop.