I've only been playing for one day, but as the e-mail requested, I'm giving feedback while it's still fresh in my mind. The main thing I'd like to say is this game is amazing. I'd been looking forward to it a lot from some youtube vids I saw and reviews online. My high expectations were exceeded dramatically. The biggest plus I see is that this game actually has flavor. I had grown accustomed to skipping through all the filler storyline, but with this game it might be what I look forward to the most. The elements of Gary and his brother are really well thought out, as in better than the vast majority of television/movies nowadays. Furthermore, while the stories of each adventure are fairly simple (understandable given the relatively few elements present in each one) they are really well constructed. I thought I was going to like the multiplayer competitive element the most, but now I suspect the single player will be my favorite part. I came to the game primarily because I love ccgs and tcgs, which this does quite well. That said the elements from RPGs and strat games are incorporated superbly. I would make sure to advertise the mix of all these elements in letting people know about the game. My one major concern/suggestion with the game is whether there is enough content. I mean this in two ways (and having again not played for long at all I could be totally wrong). First, is there any prediction how long the campaign will take? I would hope a long time, but given the small staff I suspect not. This is the area that would make the game perfect. Second, there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of variety in group composition. I have seen that there is talk about adding rogues, this would be great and just that one extra class would make for so many other possibilities. The other choice would be to have more adventures that just involve one or two characters. Those first few were actually quite fun and have a very different feel. Anyway, great game. I plan on buying quite a lot of pizza, more to show my support than a need for extra equipment.
They recently added a map editor which can be used to create custom content (accessible to host as a card hunter club member), these don't give xp or loot - but can help with the longevity of the game, while the devs create some more content. There hasn't been an official plan unveiled how they plan to roll out new content, but the files have shown there's systems in place for levelling chars up to 50.