[FEEDBACK] Enemy AI could use some work

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Blindsight, May 31, 2013.

  1. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    I've really been enjoying the game since I got in a few days ago, but one thing that has bothered me is the AI. While most of the time it appears (and perhaps only because we can't see all the cards and thus don't know their options) to be acting pretty well, at other times it makes obvious missteps.

    One I do not have an example of is when the opponent is in position, and has the card(s) needed to win the game, but then passes. I have no cards, I passed, you have an attack 8/2 attack and pass instead of killing me. Huh... Feels dirty.

    The second issue I have found is being able to find some positioning in which the AI will continually pass indefinitely -- until the player plays something that would make the AI consider moving differently (a move card, a terrain card etc.). Here are some screenshots of examples:


    Here are three of the same map just showing the 11 turns passing as well as showing all cards in opponents hand (by having cast insight).

    As you can see this can happen on multiple maps. The chamber of bones is by FAR the most reliable one to be able to do it on. Get all of your party behind the wall, close enough to the ends of the wall and the imps won't want to give you a target so just sit still. You can heal up, wait for your perfect hand and go roll. If all else fails, do it again... Also, feels dirty.
  2. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    The devs have mentioned that the random AI passes were added to make the AI a little more unpredictable. Otherwise it was too easy to make the enemies use up their cards and then trap them in lava etc.

    Of course it's a problem when the AI does one of those random passes in a situation where it could directly win by acting, so the algorithm could probably use some tuning.

    The second issue looks like it might be an actual bug.

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