[Feedback] CM thanks...and wishes

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by wavy, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    Got to give my thanks to the devs for the CM items expansion - it's given a whole new lease of life to the SP campaign! I must admit it's been quite a while since I played a lot of low-level mods but with a whole new set of equipment and some great new effects, it's a lot of fun. I'm a bit more wary of playing a whole new set of gear in high-level mods yet, but that's partly because I haven't got a huge amount of options when it comes to CM items so far.

    Now, as it seems (if I read things correctly) we are going to get a CM campaign expansion, here's what I'm hoping for.

    I'd love to see a series of at least 5 adventures which are fun to play, like the EttSC modules. I'd rather not have something like the AI expansion where beating the normal adventure unlocks a more difficult version - surely that's what the quests are for, after all. No loot fairy unless you play the hard version means no loot fairy that day for me.

    Also, I'm hoping a bundle with 9 figures and a month's club membership will be available - always love more figures, but they seem very expensive in the shop as they have to be bought individually, 9 x 80 = 720 pizza which costs more than $20 for a full set. How about having full sets of figures available in the shop for say 500 pizza - I'd probably buy a couple of sets at that price...what do you guys think?
    tolkien likes this.
  2. tolkien

    tolkien Thaumaturge

    I request a bundled entitled :The Dark, The Diabolic, and The Damned Featuring the following:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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