{FEEDBACK} Citrine Demon Portal seems impossible.

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Michael Reust, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Michael Reust

    Michael Reust Kobold

    Howdy, maybe it makes a difference which characters you're using, but with my current team, even though I've replayed a few levels just to level up, and have tried to adjust the equipment a good deal, I'm getting nowhere with this level, and feel like I'm wasting a lot of time, since I don't even get any exp for the map I do clear. On the second map, a few times now, the demon has launched two fireballs in a row, while the terrain and lack of sufficient move cards (even though adjusted gear to maximize them) doesn't let me get out of the way enough to save more than one character from being put below 6 hp on the first round, if not killed completely in the first round. Often, I've been put down to one character in the first round, just because the opponent has so many cards to work with, including ones that stun, and there are no real hiding spots, given the teleports and number of enemies. This level seems WAY too unbalanced.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    My suggestion would be to maximize move cards which you already seem to have done - do you have acccess to Wall Of Stone? That can help break LoS. If you have access to Resistant Hide on your wizard, that's a great plus. Also, seems you might have been unlucky with the Burning Fiend, don't think he even has more than a few fireballs in that deck. Maybe someone has some better feedback, but to me it sounds like you understand what the map is about - and should be able with some luck, or at least lack of bad luck.
    Zoorland likes this.
  3. Ultreos

    Ultreos Mushroom Warrior

    Resistant hide is practically mandatory for this area. Multiple firestorms can also create a lot more ease for the mission.

    With firestorms, firebolts, fire starters, and long range arcane and lightnings your wizard can practically solo it and you use the other two characters as a distraction, and load them up on armor and strong attacks and healing where needed.

    At least this is what I did and the mission caused me no problems.
    Zoorland likes this.
  4. Nirvana

    Nirvana Mushroom Warrior

    For demon/sprite levels, also keep in mind that the ranged AI is extremely adverse to entering the line of sight of your wizards. If you can hide behind obstacles in a secluded area (best done in a corner so it can't get line of sight without being in melee range) along with a priest it should give you ample time to heal up, since the AI will usually just waste several turns passing instead of rushing you, and when it finally decides to get in range it will usually be one character at a time.

    The one exception to this, as you've seen, is the Fireball card which can hit beyond line of sight with splash damage. If I recall correctly, red demons have 2 Fireball in their deck and fire sprites have 1. If you just hide and heal for a few turns, it also gives you a chance to go through a lot of your deck, letting you draw armors. Even simply stacking 2 Reliable Hide Armors is enough to negate all ongoing burn damage. A warrior stacking 2 Reliable Armors or Heavy Armors (elf only since they have Encumber 1) is almost immune to damage in these levels if you get rid of acid demons first.
    Zoorland likes this.
  5. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Shimmering Aura is also good against magical attacks and available to non-wizards; it's found on many items, but no common or uncommons. Do you have anything with Absorbing Block?
    Zoorland likes this.
  6. Michael Reust

    Michael Reust Kobold

    I'm noticing a lot of these levels strongly depend on what race your characters are. I finally beat it, but mostly through luck, and then got stumped on another level soon after. There aren't enough cards with resistant hide. Only one of my characters can even get them.
  7. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

  8. Michael Reust

    Michael Reust Kobold

    The characters I have, only one character can wear them, and that's assuming you even get it in the draw. And then, that character only gets ONE of them, since the only item that offers resistant hide is the robe. Same goes for hover. Especially on the geomancer levels, I really need more hovers and/or resistant hides on the field, but it can only be one card of the two, on the entire field.
  9. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    My advice for this level is to let the enemy move a couple of times before you try to chase them with your melee attackers - otherwise they'll just run away. Try to get as close as possible while remaining out of their line-of-sight. When you think they are running out of move cards, charge at one of them to kill it. If you can catch one without it having any moves left, you can kill it before the end of the turn - then just repeat that process until they are all gone.

    If you happen to get some good armour cards on one of your characters, then keep that armoured character in line of sight of the enemies, so that the enemies spend all their attacks hitting the armoured character.

    I think the key point is that you should save your moves until after the enemy has used their moves. Bringing additional move cards and step attacks can also be pretty helpful.
  10. Michael Reust

    Michael Reust Kobold

    if I do that, they usually wipe out two characters before I can even make one attack, due to the frost and fireball cards. Also, in this level, there's no way to get out of the line of sight without either killing a character or two, having a stone wall, or getting ALL move cards. The party I had the first time didn't have stone wall, and illusion wall was only partly useful. Though I did finally beat this level.
  11. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Glad to hear you beat the level.

    In general for the 'Heavy on the Magic' levels:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    are my friends. Nothing better than watching spells just bounce off, IMHO.
  12. edward1119

    edward1119 Kobold

    My team is human knight/dwarf priest/Elf wizard.
    Knight is with high attack crush & chop.
    Priest is with lots of heals and 2 nimbus, plus little bit attack with 2range & 6hp.
    Wizard is mix of fire and electricity (I only have 1 good fire staff at that moment) with resident hide.

    First round I move closer but out of enemy sight.
    And start attack on second round and hurt a lot on demons especially the fire one.
    I am lucky enough to get both Sacred Shroud of Sanctified Shroud on my priest...
    Thus more attack (especially the fire one...) on him, more he heals the others.
    In the beginning of 3rd round, my characters were nearly full hp. And kill the 2 demons easily. Then I just have to stay at the VP and play round with the others.

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