[Feedback / Bug] Immediate discard

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Robauke, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    I was irritated by something similar before regarding War Cry triggering defenders block in addition to destroying the targets blocks, but this is about Melt Armor.

    Card states: Target Immediately discards their oldest Armor card.

    So the effect takes place before blocks can react. Someone melted my arrogant armor, then my "Hit The Deck" triggered, leaving me defenseless and grounded. I assume the 1 damage was prevented, but something about the whole sequence strikes me as weird. The immediate effect on armor and the triggering of potential block seems too much.
    I got no concrete suggestion how to rework it, but an unblockable damaging attack is out of the question, so maybe an "hard to block" angle or as 'immediate/unblockable' utility card.
    Magic Elves and Fifjunior7 like this.

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