[Feedback] Area effect targeting

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Darkmirth, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Darkmirth

    Darkmirth Kobold

    So the way its set now, when using a cone area effect, you target by selecting the square in the direction you want the effect to be fired.

    My issue is that by nature, area effects are fired in areas of high character population. I have found it tricky to hit just that one pixel of tile to choose a direction. Is it possible to change it to selection of the direction tile by clicking on a model standing on it, like when you are targeting a individual attack?
  2. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    There have been a number of people complaining about figures getting in the way of tiles. For instance, it's very difficult to play a Move card and stand still (because your figure is in the way of your tile). To cover all these situations, it might be more efficient to allow you to click "tile space" regardless of what figures are in the way.

    Which is to say: we agree some improvement or another is needed.
    skip_intro likes this.
  3. Darkmirth

    Darkmirth Kobold

    I'm glad to not be only one to have noticed it.
    I thought of tile selection by ignoring model, but afraid that might lead to more confusion than it resolves. For then you are selecting something you might not be able to see.
    You could do tile selection regardless of model, but you would need consistency. All targeting would have to be by tile. I actually fought model selection by clicking on it itself, but actually feel it adds to the table top feel. Now I just think that the only time you should click on a tile is if nothing is on it. It feels more elegant.
    Not a know it all, just giving my feedback. I already adore the game.
  4. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    Maybe when you are selecting a square to move to, all characters should become partially transparent? And left-clicking anywhere on the tile would hit the tile only.

    Right-clicking should still show character or terrain info as now.
    Zalminen likes this.

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