Feedback: 2y birthday figurines

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by madar, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. madar

    madar Kobold


    So i played card hunter in beta, then when released i play a bit again, and then give up. I came back now a week ago again, because i saw on the steam. I never really played pvp. I finished the campaign in the beta once, and now again on the last week. It was fun.

    I got the email about the 2 years celebration, and i thought i try to get the figurines. I went into the pvp room, and got the info that only the first guy get figurines. I went to a draft casual game, and i won. I went into the draft legaue, and smashed very hard, very fast. I lost mood to continue the pvp.

    The pvp is not my thing anyway, but i think you should give the figurines random for the league participants, or give a fix for the first, and random one more. So i would keep playing until i get one. With this system only the experienced guys can get them, thd noobs like me, not. I know anyone can win in the draft in theory, but in practice, even after i read the draft guide on the forum, and got the main points, still smashed, and got no fun.

    There is ppl who got already the figurines, and keep playing in the league, so its not much sense just wait and play later, when only noobs remained.

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