Title says it all: which expansion did you like the most and had the most fun playing? I'm mostly asking due to the anniversary coming up and I'm considering buying an expansion bundle. I'm currently leaning toward EttSC since I like the figures, but I already have a lot of the items from the expansion due to league giving out citadel chests. On the other hand, I tried one of the adventures from AotA and it was pretty suffering (troll king or something), but I don't have nearly as many AotA items. So it all really comes down to is how fun the other treasure hunts were.
IMO, the mechanics in the EttSC set's moduals were the most interesting and varried. Whereas AotA had challanging fights, EttSC's moduals, though not as difficult, required more in the way of tactical contemplation. Basic set always seemed like part of the adventure tree to me, though, so I didn't really get the feel of it as special content, just additional content.