Enemy looks like they keep "Parry" in their hand, but don't actually have it

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Dwedit, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    I just saw a Men At Arms block an attack with a parry, and the card remained shown in the hand, but did not block anything on the next melee attack.
    This might apply to other blocks as well.

    Edit: I think this happens with all blocks, as long as the card was previously visible in the enemy's hand. The Men at arms have obvious maneuver, and when the monkeys were showing a similar bug, I had elvish insight revealing their blocks.
  2. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Hi, pls read this: http://www.cardhunter.com/forum/threads/please-read-how-to-report-bugs.331/

    Tried to reproduce it, and I couldn't. :(


    Mercenary drew a card.
    Beorn shows everyone its cards
    Men at Arms revealed Parry
    Men at Arms revealed Parry
    Men at Arms revealed Run
    Men at Arms drew a card.
    Harald runs
    Harald moved.
    Beorn moved.
    Dhonrimethorglor stabs Harald
    Dhonrimethorglor moved.
    Harald tries to parry the attack -
    and succeeds!
    Stab was cancelled.
    Men at Arms drew a card.
    Men at Arms discarded Parry.
    Gregorius sends Harald into a frenzy!
    Dhonrimethorglor stabs Harald
    Harald tries to parry the attack -
    and succeeds!
    Stab was cancelled.
    Men at Arms drew a card.
    Men at Arms discarded Parry.

    Men at arms drew Obvious Manuever and revealed its blocks. I stabbed it, Parry succeeded, discarded and drew another card. Then I stabbed again and parry triggered again just fine. Everything worked as it should. :confused:

    Maybe the in-hand blocks did not trigger because the target was not facing the attack ?
  3. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    Weird, I just tried to reproduce it. I saw it happen once, then it hasn't happened since.

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