Dungeon Difficulty Indicators

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Jesus669, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    Alright, so there has been a lot of concern over how the dungeons can vary quite a bit in the same level range. I was thinking instead of nerfing dungeons and such there could be a Difficulty Indicator before you enter a dungeon that basically tells the player what to expect when compared to other dungeons. It won't stop people from saying "this dungeon is too hard," but they will be fair warned it may be much harder then the one they finished before. People may not be as concerned when they know the difficulty the devs think the dungeon represents.

    Sorry if something like this has been mentioned before.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Good idea, but generally - the lvl indication is supposed to be that I'd say. You usually have around 2 dungeons per level, and as they're locked when completed (until the daily reset), you're kinda supposed to be able to beat it with a few tries is my take. If there were a huge amount of dungons per level - or even optional ones, varying difficulties would make more sense. Very hard dungeons that force you to replay already completed ones after reset wouldn't make people happier.
  3. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Exactly since there at least so far are 2 per level giving you 10 exp each and you need 20 to level you still have to beat them both so a varning would do nothing more then give people worrys and/or make people complain even if they didn't give it a good try
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    However, I would love optional Hard dungeons. I like a challenges, just not think it's always that great when it's the only option available. I guess Challenges could be viewed as such, but still - any optional or sideboard content would be awesome.
  5. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    Ah I wasn't aware there are only two dungeons per level. I thought the number increased a little as the levels got higher.

    Difficulty for Hard mode dungeons and challenges has been mentioned, but they seemed to not like the idea of them.
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    As you level up you can usually try adventures +- a level or so, so in that regard that's possible. However, not sure I would feel beating a lvl 5 adventure easily while failing hard on a lvl 4 would feel reasonable.
  7. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    Hard modes - we want too much before we even get a cake, in my opinion. Maybe they should think about it once the game is set and ready and additional content is what people will be seeking the most. I'd say challanges and at least 60 adventures is more than anything I imagined when I first approached Card Hunter. Hard modes? After beating all available content I feel like making hard modes will require an insane amount of work and very long thoughtful proccess as you will figure - it's actually... really hard to do when you already have game like this :)
  8. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    The more room there is to tweak the difficulty - the easier way to implementing hard modes... think of World of Warcraft difficulty at the start and introduction of hard modes (I'm sorry for this example, the only one I've got at 1am) - I can clearly say that vanilla WoW had a really big place to tweak the difficulty and make it much harder as it was easy in the first place [of course opinion on this matter is subjective].
  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I meant optional harder dungeons, not a hardcore mode (a la wow) for every one existing in the game. More like - there'd be 3 dungeons per level - 2 standard difficulty and 1 hard (with possibly an xp boost et c). I don't have any problems with the amount of content available (or the difficulty really, no matter my overtuning thread - as I just consider that game balance), just thinking how there could still be challenging content for both hardcore players and more casual ones.
  10. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    I'm not sure they would add a third "hard" dungeon per level at this point. They seem to be well in their pace with the two per level. The topic i bring up is the labeling of dungeons as per how hard they are for that level. You don't need to have additional dungeons or lower the difficulty of some just to appease players who think it's too hard. If a particular level is suppose to have a real hard dungeon, maybe it's because the developers are trying to get you to play better or introduce more advanced mechanics/tactics. Labeling some of these harder dungeons might be that key that keeps the weasel out.

    Hardcore mode is indeed something that should be done last. Get what the devs originally wanted done, then mod the dungeon and stamp a hardcore sign on it. They may still have thoughts on why that isn't attractive, but it's what keeps many players in the game and easy to do once all the content is already there. Switching cards or monster hp for higher versions is rather easy to do when all the assets are laid before you.
  11. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    Maybe they can split in " lvl 4 (green) easy, lvl 4 (yellow) normal and lvl 4 (red) hard" ?
  12. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    A simple coloring of the name is basically all there would need to be, if they thought the idea was needed. Mention it in the tutorial real quick and you're set.
  13. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    But it still makes no sense if it is too easy or too hard nerf or buff dont color code
  14. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    I said the developers may not want it to be a steady increase in difficulty, in fact it might not even be possible. The tactical concepts and random gear generation make difficulty level vary different from person to person. So to keep people in the know they could list how difficult a particular dungeon is.
  15. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    it might not even be possible. The tactical concepts and random gear generation make difficulty level vary different from person to person.

    You just punctured your own suggestion with that statements just saying
  16. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    Yes and no. While the items you have for a level will decide if you and the monsters are equally equipped it does not represent the AI tactics and setup and how to deal with them. Groups in one dungeon might be easily dealt with in a straight up blow for blow fight while others have a much higher player skill for pass/play and positioning. Even with the best items in the game a new player can lose one of the low level dungeons because of how layout and monster fighting style, even though he can beat a much higher level.

    That is called difficulty.
  17. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    How do you judge the difficulty from one adventure to another though? My all elf wizard party may have a harder time on some adventures than a balanced one of each party.
  18. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yeah, that's why I'm appraising the difficulty level of adventures around the standard party - some fights will be cakewalks with optional builds, but I believe most people will be running the standard one - at least early game. This being said, difficulty markers shouldn't matter - adventures should be standardized a certain hardness, not vary between very easy and very hard - when there's 2 adventures per level.
  19. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Which is what i have been saying this whole time if they actually warrant a difficulty marker be it easy or hard make them not easy or not hard instead.
  20. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    Then why not base it off a standard party with average gear because that is what the "average" player will have at that point.

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