Hi, I've finished the normal campaign, and I'm going through doing the optional challenges. It would be a great help if two features are added: 1) In the shop and your inventory, there is a category that's "Drawbacks". Currently I have to keep looking through each item to find what has a drawback, and also what counts as a drawback (e.g., Bungled Bolt counts but Backbiting Strike does not - which is weird). 2) If I can set my party's level so that I can use the "Usable" filter properly when I'm trying to do a challenge and I know I will be scaled back to that level. That way I can shop as if I'm that level easily. Thank you, it is a fun game!
You can find the drawbacks using the seach term Handicap, not very well documented - and unclear why it's called Handicap. Probably an old term that's still around and needs to be cleaned up. 2) is a great idea.
Having a drawback filter (similar to unused) would be very nice. I didn't know about the Handicap search and that's fantastic though. I built my drawback deck through trial and error. Hopefully this helps, but I tend to overgear my toons for the campaign, then when you go to start the battle, you'll be stopped and sent to the deck builder with the level requirement of the dungeon, then you can gear for that specific level. That's how I deal with your second issue.