Draw Playability

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by irongamer, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    After doing a couple of searches and almost posting in another thread I decided to start a new one. First off, I am not in beta. So my knowledge of the game is only from reading posts and watching videos.

    I've been developing a board game that has some similarities in that you draw cards for movement or action. There are number of issues which come up with type of system and I was curious how card hunter was dealing with them.

    It sounds like you will always have one movement card on a round, based on your race? If so, this is a nice solution and easy to achieve in a computer game.

    I got around the issue of players drawing no movement by allowing players to discard cards for movement. How many cards are discarded for X movement is based on their "class".

    In another thread (I think its buried in the first impression thread) someone mentioned they wished the three card draw was: Move - Attack - Random instead Move - Random- Random. The individual expressed some annoyance at drawing all movement cards. From watching videos it seems that statistically someone wouldn't draw all movement too often. Although the individual in one video set did have it happen a few times.

    There is a specific thread about this here: always picking up movement cards....

    Movement at a basic level seems to be taken care by always being dealt one movement card.

    How about hands with only movement? Is this even a problem? Does it add to the CCG feel of the game?

    If you feel it is a problem, what would you suggest? Change the three card draw to always have an attack? Drawing a hand of all movement triggers a special 3 card racial set with movement/attack/utility?

    I'm curious what the thoughts are of those actually playing the game.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Racial basic move is dwarf - walk, human - run, elf - dash.

    Sometimes you get a hand full of movement, but then again - sometimes you'll WANT one (on a lot of maps having 2 moves is crucial). You're not likely to draw all moves, as you generally have less sources of movement cards than attack and defense ones - then again, if you equip a lot of items with movement outside of slots that are the movement core slots (boots - possibly racial slot). As people have said, it's like drawing all lands in magic - it happens.

    I'm on my third level up from scratch now, and I don't consider not getting a guaranteed attacks a problem - I might groan when I don't get what I want, but I believe rng is a part of any ccg - and one of the things that make it exciting. To make something of what you get - and the only thing you control is the setup and deck building.
  3. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I think you can actually build a deck with 0 move cards in it if you mind it that much. Generally i have 4 moves on my elfs 3 on my humans 1-2 on my dwarfs so its not only unlikely but its also fine since half my moves double as utility and the other half are decent moves that rarely are useless. Note that except for the race move each turn there are no move restrictions so my elf has move 2 cards and dodges my human has move 3 cards and party move cards and my dwarf has move 4 cards and move 8 cards.
  4. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    Thanks for the replies. The chance of drawing all movement seemed really low from what I've seen on videos. You guys mention building a deck with more movement; where else does movement come from? I figured most of it would be on boots or some on armor. Are there accessories and weapons with movement as well?
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Only pure movement cards are from racial slot and boots, some movement auras and similar on armor/helmet, weapons can have step attacks (move and attack), wizard can have teleport on his arcane ability et c.
  6. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Slight correction/addition warriors can have them in their skill slot.

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