I mean I saw in one of the past beta announcements they reset everything from everyone (except costumes bought with pizza),so does that happen a lot or was it just a one trime thing?
Oh, I'm so looking forward to the next reset. The fun of collecting card diminishes after playing through the campaign several times. I assume that is going to be better in the release version where the campaign is longer, but in the beta one runs out of things to do after a hundred days.
The version we're playing isn't even half the game, level wise, so I think you may have more than 100 days play. I presume you've done all the quests / treasure hunts / MP maps / casual Games / Make your own etc.?
Take it from me the fun in doing all the quests diminishes greatly around 60% and i know it will go back up as you get closer to finishing but it really turns heavy past midway.