[Discussion] Traits

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Proxiehunter, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Proxiehunter

    Proxiehunter Orc Soldier

    So, played all the way through Slub-gut so far and I'm running into what I feel is an issue with Trait cards. Mainly that a lot of them have a duration that makes them nearly useless, especially as a turn one draw. For example IIRC "Bruiser" lasts for 2 turns. It regularly takes my dwarf fighter 3 turns to reach any enemy that isn't directly charging him. Some traits (Fumble for example) make sense as a thing that happens and then is over with. Others, like Bruiser or Clumsy feel to me like they should be permanent.
  2. Ultreos

    Ultreos Mushroom Warrior

    The biggest problem I have seen for bruiser so far is how few cards it effects more then how long it lasts.

    I believe that cards that "power up" a character should be considered as something that should last longer.
  3. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    If you're picking trait cards that are stymied by your Dwarfs lack of speed, add some cards that counteract said lack of speed. It also depends when you draw your traits, too. Sometimes you'll be much closer - nose to nose - when those traits appear like manna from heaven.
  4. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Keep in mind that some of the power of traits aren't the cards themselves, but the fact that they cycle your deck and get to your good cards. The usefulness of the duration cards often depends on when you draw them, but that's true with pretty much any card. How useful are your melee attack cards the first few turns if you can't get to them? Using that same logic, should you also then be able to hold onto them?

    It's part of the randomness of card drawing.
  5. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Bruiser is only Bronze card quality....most times I ponder what the gold standard would be.

    Devs are very sneaky. :p

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