When we got the new Castle Mitternacht cards, There's this card ''Boo!'' When you play it, no matter your figure's gender, it's always a man saying ''boo!''. So i want to ask is it what i think it is, or do they have some epic voice cracks that change their voices?
The card does say it is a Sonic Magic card, unlike most Sonic cards which are Projectiles. I'm guessing the Boo! voice is not the player's actual voice but some magical projection just like Thunderblast. Though I do like the idea of female Elf Wizards being able to shout a manly Boo!
Even without Maniafig's explanation (which is more or less correct), I'm a bit bemused that this would look like a "bug." Gender prescriptivist much?
Well, couldn't find a thread that was suiting this. so i went for bugs. Now i'll think twice before choosing whether to help a female elf lost in the woods or not....