Didn't know women were manly in cardhuntria.

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Solip, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Solip

    Solip Orc Soldier

    When we got the new Castle Mitternacht cards, There's this card ''Boo!'' When you play it, no matter your figure's gender, it's always a man saying ''boo!''. So i want to ask is it what i think it is, or do they have some epic voice cracks that change their voices?
  2. Maniafig

    Maniafig Thaumaturge

    The card does say it is a Sonic Magic card, unlike most Sonic cards which are Projectiles. I'm guessing the Boo! voice is not the player's actual voice but some magical projection just like Thunderblast.

    Though I do like the idea of female Elf Wizards being able to shout a manly Boo! :p
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  3. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Even without Maniafig's explanation (which is more or less correct), I'm a bit bemused that this would look like a "bug." Gender prescriptivist much? :p
    wereviper likes this.
  4. Solip

    Solip Orc Soldier

    Well, couldn't find a thread that was suiting this. so i went for bugs. Now i'll think twice before choosing whether to help a female elf lost in the woods or not....
    wereviper likes this.

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