(Design question) Lunging/shifty targeting change

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by BenJustice, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. BenJustice

    BenJustice Kobold

    So, why can I target my own people with the shifty/lunging attacks, but not others? I'd love to Barge my own characters two spaces, or not accidentally target my own characters because the enemy swarmed me and my clicking area.

    Just wondering if there was a purpose to this.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    If you press ctrl when playing cards, you can select friendly targets as well. Or just select "auto target: off" under options to select all and every attack you play for full control. The step attack used to force you to attack at the end of the move if someone was in range (friendly or not). This is likely a artifact of that old code.
  3. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    I would imagine it's a question of "huh, when in this whole sequence SHOULD or COULD the player hit control?"

    Wait until the Attack part? The player isn't clicking the card then, so hitting control wouldn't matter.

    Just hit control at the start when handling the Move part, and then "queue" the autotarget override until you get to the Attack part? There's no meaningful "control-click Move cards" command for this game.

    It's a conundrum in the current code. I'd say that "holding or releasing control should always toggle autotargeting, whether clicking on a card or not," would solve the conundrum. But of course someone has to write that code first.

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