Deck shortening? Pff, what about hand extending?

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Lucky Dice, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    Level 13 Dwarf Warrior

    Level 1 Dwarf Warrior

    Level 1 Human Priest

    basically, what it says on the tin

    Both of your warriors are equipped with tools that allow them to fight even the most endless of rounds

    Mimetic Armor nets you more and more attacks, Duck nets you even more attacks, Martyr Blessing also nets you some cards, and only the last one takes from the maximum card draw you can use

    Mass Frenzy is there so that these Sparks are less of a tickle, also possible Altruism proc

    no good replacements for Godtouched Spear in my possession, I'm afraid, so that's slightly sad

    idk what else to say, I guess I'm using Helmet of Thorns because I didn't want for Crusty to ruin the surprise
    ParodyKnaveBob and billiska like this.
  2. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  3. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    Duck is IMHO better. For two reasons:

    1) No human skill with 2x Forward Thinking
    2) Duck is, like, a force field. When the opponent sees it, he thinks twice about what he does and has to be ready for a potential card coming back at them.
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Some similar item choices to my favorite build... but also a bit different :)
    Lucky Dice likes this.
  5. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    Update: I replaced the helmets with Wyvern Hide Helmet. Quick Reactions are great against wizards, even when they aren't useful by itself, and the armor that grants you a move is great. Travelling Curse is also amazing with Dwarves.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  6. Deepweed

    Deepweed Thaumaturge

    *cough* Vibrant Pain *cough*

    I'm not a huge fan of Duck. As I've explained once before on the forum, the 4+ roll is pretty bad for both you and the opponent: you can't reliably get a card from your opponent but the opponent cannot reliably bait it out either. It's too luck-based in that sense. The function of the card is great, though, and I wish it was on a 3+ for this reason. But now, I think it's something I'd rather avoid. Toughness is a better, more reliable alternate which also provides card advantage. It's a hidden cycler + hand extender, after all.

    Quick Reactions is a good choice. It's an almost insta-win versus wizards and it's not too shabby versus priests, either.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  7. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    I can absolutely recommend Perfect Toughness is one doesn't have the Superb Stoutness, but when you do have two of these two duckers, I don't think putting more weight on armor makes it a better thing.

    You see, Your hand creating engines are Mimetic Armors, Ducks, Martyr Blessings, Quick Reactions (if your opponents are wizards) and Parries (if you're facing warriors). First one nets you the highest quantity of attacks and doesn't use anything from your drawpool for the round. Third one grants you drawing that eventually halts. 4/5 also is a drawing. If you go for Toughness, you have another draw. Granted, you do get rid of an attack, and there's 100% chance. But that generates two problems:

    1) Your opponent will attack with strongest attacks at the very end if possible. Say you parry one attack, you spend toughness on the other. You're open now. With Duck the situation your opponent faces changes a bit, because of the FEAR FACTOR. They are afraid of getting the wrong end of the... uh... dice.
    2) This deck has tons of problems with ranged armor removal. Toughness is an armor. Duck can prevent you from losing the armor, as well as Quick Reactions can grant you a draw. Parries are the "Anti-Sundering" mechanism, but we lack a reliable solution against wizards removing your armor as they wish.

    I'm not saying Toughness won't work. I'm explaining why did I decide to go with Duck instead.
  8. wazzur

    wazzur Kobold

    even with a Vibrant pain each, these guys are terribly immobile. No team walk or move, team.. And your strongest attack is a strong hack without blind rage and only 3 mass frenzy in the deck. It doesnt matter how many 4dmg bludgeons you pull out if the opponent just disengages after hitting you with impaling stabs and powerful hacks. If you hold onto mimetic armor at the end of round thats one less card they have to be wary of because its that non threatening. Mimetic crown on the other hand can be interesting in the right build (crusher)
    visak13 likes this.
  9. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    I could try fitting in a Team move on a Dwarf, but... uh, I'm not sure. In all honesty, I'm not complaining on mobility department.

    The only time opponent's disengage was successful so far was opponent retreating with a Healing Dash after hitting me once.

    Mimetic Crown is all fine and dandy, but it's just 1 armor. Yes, the attacks you get are better, but you're twice as paper. And there's not that much of it on items. 1 on a helmet, 1 on a legendary armor.
  10. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    Just a notable thing. this build got me to 1,5k. Somehow. As of yet.
    visak13 and ParodyKnaveBob like this.
  11. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    The necro-post, AI edition!

    Level 13 Dwarf Warrior

    Level 18 Human Priest

    Level 1 Dwarf Warrior

    This is the more defensive version of that deck...

    Level 13 Dwarf Warrior

    Level 18 Human Priest

    Level 1 Dwarf Warrior

    ...and that is the more offensive version.

    Basically, you want your dwarves mobile, so that they can ensure your opponent hitting them. Then, either Duck or Laser Block hopefully procs (which kinda didn't happen last 3 times I had that combo on my hand, but w/e), and you're sitting with an extra attack.

    The more defensive option is all about tickling. You want to attack your opponent when he's out of anything to do and you're happy to go second to respond to his move accordingly.

    This isn't true for the offensive option though. +4 damage to most of the stuff you play is bonkers, especially considering that on these rare occasions you're fighting against a warrior, every hit of his has at least 2/3rd of a chance to give you an attack that deals up to 8 damage. Even a trade with a vamp starts being favorable with that.

    Of course the offensive wars should have Hawkwind's Moccasins, but I can't get any, the game just hates me I guess.

    Some alternate options include Zero G Helmet on offensive warriors if you can actually somehow give it to them or that Superb Stoutness or Perfect Stoutness. Actually, if you want to go semi-defensive with the offensive wars, Bloody Stoutness also seems to be a good pick.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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