The game has trouble sometimes when chars spawn on top of other chars. This usually happens when you put large figures on small spawn points, so obviously one solution would be to tell people (like me) to "Stop doing that." But I still think it could be handled better. Current behavior: The blocked char is displayed at location (0,0) and isn't usable during the battle. How I would like it to work: If a spawn point is blocked, try to find another spawn point that isn't blocked and use that. If there aren't any unblocked spawn points, don't spawn that char (like when a group is larger than the number of spawn points). I've attached a scenario to illustrate the problem. What I want is for each "room" to contain exactly one char, but have them randomly arranged. The west rooms are for group 1 of each player, east rooms for group 2; blocked chars end up in the water tiles.