complex bug

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by esthkol, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. esthkol

    esthkol Lizardman Priest

    I encountered what I can only describe as a complex bug today -- unfortunately, I could not save the combat log. I was in the final map of the Troll Tyrant, down to a Impenetrable Nimbus-focused priest, against the troll king and Whorl; the latter had low hp. The priest was nestled in the southeastern evade-the-troll corner. The issue seems to have begun when I killed Whorl; the game hung for about 5 seconds, and a it seemed like a reactive ability in Whorl's hand tried to trigger, but failed to. Afterwards, I was only able to retain 1 card, not 2, at the end of the turn for the next 10 or so turns, with no discernible reason. Despite this handicap, I did eventually (roughly 10 turns later) get two Touch Of Death with a nimbus on my priest priest. I approached the troll to do some damage, and the game froze when he tried to Mighty Bludgeon the priest, with the card enlarged in the center.
    I was able to pull the console up, but sadly my computer crashed (totally unrelated to the game crash) before I was able to copy the data.

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