Complete list of avalible command in F1 menu

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by cainiao, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. cainiao

    cainiao Kobold

    Just for those who dont know.

    --- Admin ---
    adminzonemessage - Send admin message to all users in zone (administrators only)
    --- Debug ---
    animspeed - Sets global animation speed, 2 gives twice as fast, .5 half speed
    battleinstruction (alias bi) - Send instruction to battle object
    clip - copies the output to the clipboard
    drop - test drop connection
    dumpbattle - dumps the current battle to screen in a somewhat human readable format
    dumpboard - dumps the board terrain and actors
    dumpcard - dumps card data for a specified card
    dumpdisplay - Walks the displaylist and dumps information about it to the console
    dumphand - dumps specified player's hand (owner's if no player specified)
    dumpdiscard - dumps specified player's discard pile (owner's if no player specified)
    dumpactor - dumps info on named actor (all actors if none named)
    dumpqueue - dumps command queue
    dumpscenario - dumps named scenario
    dumpclientcommands - dumps all the queued client commands
    bumpclientcommand - forces the first queued client command to terminate
    flushbattleevents - forces all queued battle events to be sent immediately.
    forceload - forces load of card art for named card
    freezepointer - stops the pointer location from updating
    highlight - sets the lighting layer's highlight colour
    loadimage - test loading an image
    move - moves named actor to location
    save - saves the output to a text file
    shadow - sets the lighting layer's shadow colour
    stats - toggle performance statistics display
    targets - lists valid targets for group/card were it played now
    verbose - toggle verbose output mode (default is off)
    logspam - fills the log with a bunch of stuff, to see if it affects performance
    error - throw an error
    pizzamenu - display the pizza menu
    getprice <name> - returns a value from the fixed price table
    buystarterpack <name> - purchase a starter pack
    equipstarterpack - equips the most recently acquired characters in MP party
    partybbcode - exports the current party to the clipboard, formatted for the forum
    --- AI ---
    aivis - vizualise AI board scoring (admin only)
    flood - tests flood fill pathfind for actor with budget
    path - tests pathfind for actor to location with optional budget
    --- Audio ---
    mute/unmute - turn sound on/off
    traceaudio - toggle audio tracing
    --- Cheat ---
    carddraw <number> - set how many cards are drawn each round (admin only)
    cardretain <number> - set how many cards can be retained at round end (admin only)
    clearitems - delete all items from your account (admin only)
    clearpurchasedadventures - clear all purchased adventures from your account (admin only)
    drawcard <card name> <group index> - draw a temporary card (admin only)
    giveitem <item name> - gives an item (admin only)
    giveitems <item name> <quantity> - gives multiple items (admin only)
    givehard <amount> - gives hard currency (admin only)
    givesoft <amount> - gives soft currency (admin only)
    giveXP <char> <amount> - gives experience points to character (admin only)
    level <name> <level> - set the level of one of your characters (admin only)
    playerlevel <level> - set the level of the player (admin only)
    purchaseadventure <adv ID> - purchase an adventure (admin only)
    purchasealladventures - purchase all adventures (admin only)
    randomitems <level> - give some random items of appropriate level (admin only)
    redotreasurehunts - sets incomplete all treasure hunts (admin only)
    resetadventures - resets all adventures (admin only)
    resetaccount - BEWARE!!! RESETS TO NEW ACCOUNT STATUS (admin only, login again after calling)
    restock - restocks all shop (admin only)
    skiptolastbattle - Skips forward in the current adventure (if any) to the last battle (admin only)
    win/lose - win or lose a battle (admin only)
    --- Difficulty ---
    monsterhealth <number> - multiply monster health values (admin only)
    playerhealth <number> - multiply player health values (admin only)
    playerdamage <number> - multiply player damage taken (admin only)
    resettuning - reset all difficulty tuning (admin only)
    --- Flags ---
    getcampaignflags - displays all campaign flags from server (admin only)
    getlocalcampaignflags - displays all campaign flags from client (admin only)
    setalladventurecampaignflags - sets all campaign flags awarded by adventures (admin only)
    setcampaignflag <flag> - sets the specified campaign flag (admin only)
    unsetcampaignflag <flag> - unsets the specified campaign flag (admin only)
    unsetallcampaignflags - unsets all campaign flags (admin only)
    unsetallcharflags - unsets all character flags (admin only)
    --- Tutorial ---
    clearviews - clears record of viewed cards
    settut <order> - sets tutorial progression
    skiptut - skips tutorial
    resettut - resets tutorial progression
    viewall - views all cards
    --- Edit ---
    draglocs - in world screen, allows dragging locations
    dumplocs - dump list of world screen locations to console
    scrollto <x> <y> [speed] - scroll to world screen location
    exportstarterpack - exports the current party to the clipboard as a starter pack
    boardeditor - opens the board editor screen
    help - prints this message :D
    ParodyKnaveBob and Hallas like this.
  2. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Orc Soldier

    Nice find !
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Nice find. If anyone finds anything in that menu that should be admin only but isn't, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know. There will be free pizza for you if you report it instead of exploiting it.
  4. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    boardeditor - opens the board editor screen

    That looks like it should be an Admin function, at least at the moment?
  5. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    I had actually used the boardeditor to mess around with making a test map =D

    I assumed it wasn't admin because it wasn't listed as (admin only) =o

    Edit: You can actually use the "Lose" part of the Win/Lose command, but that's not really an exploit :p
  6. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    The board editor is in the game and active already that is very good news!
  7. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    It's exactly the same tool as we use internally, so it's pretty clunky but functional.
    If you make anything cool be sure to post a screenshot!
  8. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Doesn't currently load for me. Or more specifically never finishes loading
  9. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    It took quite a while for me the first time, I made a very simple pvp map I saved somewhere I can't currently find =D
  10. I Guess this should be updated (Maybe there are more commands that I Don't know)
    And also added to the game Faq @Scarponi



    --- Tutorial ---

    clearviews - clears record of viewed cards
    viewall - views all cards

    --- AI ---

    flood - tests flood fill pathfind for actor with budget
    path - tests pathfind for actor to location with optional budget

    --- Cheat ---

    characterLevel - <name> <level> - set the level of one of your characters (dev only)
    clearItems - delete all items from your account (dev only)
    everyitem - [set] - give every item (dev only)
    giveHard - <amount> - gives hard currency (dev only)
    giveItem - <quantity> <item name> - gives items to the current player (admin only)
    giveItems - <quantity> <item name> - gives items to the current player (admin only)
    givePizza - <amount> - gives hard currency (dev only)
    giveSoft - <amount> - gives soft currency (dev only)
    level - <name> <level> - set the level of one of your characters (dev only)
    playerlevel - <level> - set the level of the player (dev only)
    randomitems - <level> - give some random items of appropriate level (dev only)

    --- Debug ---

    alert <seconds> - Shows a browser alert after a specified period of time
    animspeed - Sets global animation speed, 2 gives twice as fast, .5 half speed
    battleinstruction (alias bi) - Send instruction to battle object
    bumpclientcommand - forces the first queued client command to terminate
    buystarterpack <name> - purchase a starter pack
    clip - copies the output to the clipboard
    drop - test drop connection
    dumpactor - dumps info on named actor (all actors if none named)
    dumpbattle - dumps the current battle to screen in a somewhat human readable format
    dumpboard - dumps the board terrain and actors
    dumpcard - dumps card data for a specified card
    dumpclientcommands - dumps all the queued client commands
    dumpdiscard - dumps specified player's discard pile (owner's if no player specified)
    dumpdisplay - Walks the displaylist and dumps information about it to the console
    dumphand - dumps specified player's hand (owner's if no player specified)
    dumpqueue - dumps command queue
    dumpscenario - dumps named scenario
    equipstarterpack - equips the most recently acquired characters in MP party
    error - throw an error
    flushbattleevents - forces all queued battle events to be sent immediately.
    forceload <cardname> - forces load of card art for named card
    freezepointer - stops the pointer location from updating
    getprice <name> - returns a value from the fixed price table
    highlight - sets the lighting layer's highlight colour
    itemcount - show the number of unique items in collection (re-enter deckbuilder to refresh)
    loadimage - test loading an image
    logspam - fills the log with a bunch of stuff, to see if it affects performance
    move - moves named actor to location
    partyanddecksbbcode - exports the current party and decks to the clipboard, formatted for the forum
    partyanddeckssteamforum - exports the current party and decks to the clipboard, formatted for steam forums
    partybbcode - exports the current party to the clipboard, formatted for the forum
    partysteamforum - exports the current party to the clipboard, formatted for steam forums
    pizzamenu - display the pizza menu
    pools - shows item count in various asset pools
    questcount - give a count of quests, by set
    resetstats - reset all stats and achievements
    save - saves the output to a text file
    savecardart <quality> <cardname> - saves jpg of named card - quality 85 works well
    screenshot [quality] - saves screen to a jpg of given quality (default 85)
    shadow - sets the lighting layer's shadow colour
    stats - toggle performance statistics display
    targets - lists valid targets for group/card were it played now
    team - <info|invite|join|uninvite|kick|leave|help> - perform specified team administration action
    testmood <mood> - tests a prompt mood
    toggleui - toggles in-game and in-editor UI element visibility
    verbose - toggle verbose output mode (default is off)

    --- Audio ---

    mute/unmute - turn sound on/off
    traceaudio - toggle audio tracing

    --- Edit ---

    boardeditor - opens the board editor screen
    draglocs - in world screen, allows dragging locations
    dumplocs - dump list of world screen locations to console
    exportleagueentrytext - exports the current text from the league purchase entry screen to the clipboard
    exportstarterpack - exports the current party to the clipboard as a starter pack
    scrollto <x> <y> [speed] - scroll to world screen location
    setleagueentrysize <width> <height> - specifies the width and height of the league entry screen
    setleagueentrytext <text> - specifies the text to display in the league purchase entry screen

    --- Flags ---

    getlocalcampaignflags - displays all campaign flags from client

    --- Miscellaneous---

    cls - Clear F1 Console
    help - Display this message. (Without A – Z Sort)
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
    karadoc likes this.
  11. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    We should label which ones are usable by players on the live server, and which are usable on the test server.
    FDrybob and Force.ofWill like this.

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