Just as the title suggests I was wondering if there are plans for any type of Co-op PvE experiences in this game? Single player is great and all but I'd also like to play with my friends as this seems like a game they would enjoy. I'm also not really a big fan of PvP. (Please don't be harsh on me if its already been mentioned, I literally just signed up for the game 1 hour ago) Thanks!
Yes, the devs have been working on co-op for quite some time now, and the co-op play is already implemented although in a very-early fashion. You can read more about it in this thread.
Thank you very much for the reply! I'll be reading through the thread you linked in a bit. EDIT: So apparently Co-op is already in the game! Fantastic! After investigating further I was wondering if you planned to do specific Co-op content which rewards chests and gives incentives to play? Kind've like raids or dungeons. But designed in a way that assumes you have 2 people playing.
co-op MP PvP could be interesting too, own deck or fixed deck - though there might be some limitations with the 'expend someones turn fully, first' there