I really love this game, and I had fun on the test server, I had some ideas of new builds I would want to see. I know TPTB (the powers that be) are working hard on the cards we already have, but you know, this could be a thing - one day, maybe. If not I've given my feedback and ideas for them to use or not, and that is that. I'm aware that I'm not including info like how much relative hp's they have, but I think that is race based mostly, and I'm just not sure what there HP would/should be. Do note that all these Hero's forgo drawing move cards in favor of drawing 1 card of a type they like, then they draw 2 cards as normal. Currently the Warrior has 9 slots and the Priest and Wizard have 10. My class's will be 8, 11, 7 to keep with the idea that some have more slots then others do. ====================================================================== Paladin: This is our "tank" hero, he/she is very unique in several ways. First his game mechanics, all hero's currently draw some move cards based on race, the Paladin does not, he/she draws one random armor card from the deck, if no such cards exist in the deck, they draw the first (top most) discarded armor card back into there hand. The set up for the equipment slots of the Paladin are as follows: 1 Divine weapon. 2 Shield slots. 1 Heavy Armor slot. 1 Boots slot. 1 Martial arts slot. 1 Divine skill slot. 1 (race) slot. --------------- Having mostly defense options, the paladin is as I said, a tank. They can be a healer, and/or a warrior, or sort of both, giving them the Martial and Divine skill just seems to me to be a given, seeing as how it matches the sort of idea I'm going with on what a Paladin should "do" The draw back is they are SLOW, they must rely upon drawing the move cards from the (boot) slot, since they do not always draw a move card like the other class's do, so the Paladin might have to be shoved around by there teem mates. Or just plunked in the victory spot (if any) and live there with lots of armor and blocks to keep them safe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Druid: This is a new type of hero. Again going with the idea that the new hero's will have new game mechanics to go with them, the Druid draws any "heal" type card randomly from the deck, or if none such exist in the deck, the top most from the discard pile. The Druid has new slots that would have unique cards on them, as such if anyone wants to add ideas to this thread perhaps they can add more cards for this class that is not real I'll list a few general ideas of what I think a Druid would have. The set up for the equipment slots of the Druid are as follows: 1 Helmet slot 1 Robe slot 2 Boots slots 1 (race) trait slot. 6 Nature Slots -------------- Nature items contain 2 cards each. The cards can do any of the following: Make familiars (creatures who you control) Turn yourself into a creature (gaining the cards that creature has at its disposal) Create nature effects (ground effects) Familiars - any creature the game currently has could be a familiar, but new ones could be added like Bunny, Wolf, Bear, and the like, they would come with whatever the creature comes with, and have a duration of 4 or less, for stronger creatures, less. Killing a familiar would give no exp, and its health would be lower then the normal creature (if using a current creature template) no two-space creatures would be familiars. Bunny (hp 2) would "hop" (move 10 squares), and come with a Block Any card, it is a living "wall" of sorts. (duration 4) Wolf (hp 6) would Dash and use a Bite 1 (penetrating, poison 1 ,duration 1) to do damage (duration 3) Bear (hp 8) would Walk and you BASH (As printed) or Bear Hug 4 (Crushing) add Encumber 1, duration one if this attack does damage. (duration 3) So you could have a Nature card that has 2 Bunny on it, one that has 2 Wolf, and one that has 2 Bear on it, or some combination there-of. Bear would tend to be more rare and have Gold requirement where as Wolf would tend to be mid-range unique and have the Blue requirement, Bunny would be common and have no requirement. Turing yourself into a creature would work as it sounds - each turn into creature card would have a duration of 6 or less, the more powerful it is, the shorter it lasts, all turn into would be CANTRIP cards, letting you turn into the creature, and do something with the new cards in the same action, your deck and discard pile and hand are temporarily "removed from play" as you gain the deck (and a starting hand) of cards that the creature you turned into would have access to. When you change you loose all attached cards on you, bad and good (a great side effect) but keep your current health. Lets say you became the Bunny I made above, Bunny comes with just two cards, and draws both each turn the Hop and Block, so you get to Hop and Block for the duration until it ends. Perhaps being a bunny is not a great idea. Other creatures currently in game have there own deck and cards and turning into any of them would be neat. Finally you can make ground effects involving nature themes : Calm lands: 9 square, ground is now "calm land" anyone on these squares will discard all attached cards to them at the end of there turn. (duration 4) Peace zone: 9 square, ground is now "peace zone" anyone on these squares can not play "attack" cards. (duration 3) Healing gift: 9 square: ground is now "healing gift" after they draw for there turn, charter on this ground gains 4 health then discards 1 attack card. Brambles: 4 square: ground is now "brambles" makes area difficult terrain. (duration 3) again each card would come with 2 of the same, or combinations of effects, but there would not be a card that had both a zone effect and a change into creature or make familiar effect. The draw back again is the less movement, but the two boots should make up for this, also mostly you will be making creatures to fight for you, or becoming them, so you will have there move cards anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Necromancer: This is our spell caster and summoner. "But Playhavock the game has a Necromancer!!" Quiet you... this is a new one. The Necromancer has a mere 7 slots, and like the other classes they do not draw from a set move stack, rather the Necromancer will always draw 1 "Unholy" type card at random from there deck, or the top most of there discard pile if none such exists in the deck. The Necromancer as its name suggests is able to bring back the dead... but not like the one we have does. That would just be nuts. Rather I see them summoning minor skeletons and doing poison damage. The set up for the equipment slots of the Necromancer are as follows: 1 (race) trait slot. 6 Unholy item slot. The Unholy item slot can use items from the Divine Items BUT only if they have NO "Holy" cards and at least 1 "Unholy" card, examples include "Mokad's Unholy Tomb" or "Tomb of the Tree" Additionally new "Unholy" cards would be added that do poison damage to players, or summon (as in the familiars above) skeletons to fight by your side. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is it! What do you think? Like it, hate it? Add to it? Etc?
Just Rogue right now. Maybe Ranger instead (nature fighter who uses ranged weapons, although you could roll that into Rogue). With Warriors finally getting hit on mobility, Rogues would be an interesting additon in that they could be nimble fighters who bounce around, backstab, and even get some ranged attacks (crossbows, shurikens, caltrops). There is a lot of design space that could be explored with them due to the virtual nature of the game. Things like decoys, invisibility / stealth, and some other interesting things. Paladin is already kind of a variant of Priest build (going melee fighting with tanky stuff). Druid and Necromancer could be rolled into Priest as well with different items (Priests already have Entangling Roots and a lot of Unholy spells). They are interesting things to explore, but the important thing is that it fits something that isn't already in the game and allows for more interesting decision making and play styles instead of simply adding complexity and a learning curve. Not sure adding new classes outside of Rogue / Ranger / Archer would really add much since most things I've heard could be rolled into existing classes.