Choosing to return to map after level loss still requires the player to "abandon adventure"

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Zane, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Zane

    Zane Mushroom Warrior

    After mission failure if you choose to return to map and go to a different level the same message appears as when abandoning a mission.
  2. Cerebral Paladin

    Cerebral Paladin Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah, I've seen the same bug.
  3. jjfoley

    jjfoley Mushroom Warrior

    Yup, same here. Though I think I found if you go back to the adventure, then hit return to map, it no longer gives the warning about abandoning.
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    In case it matters, I'm still seeing said bug. Doesn't impact actual adventuring or anything: I just have to "abandon" needlessly even though I've already lost.

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