Chat and Logs

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Unprepared4u, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. Unprepared4u

    Unprepared4u Mushroom Warrior

    I think it goes without saying that the Chat and the Logs should be separated. It's irritating trying to keep up with chat when the box keeps getting flooded with log spam.

    The log itself should be split into pages. Each card and its reactions should have their own page.

    Here's an example of what the log looks like now.

    Really difficult to find what you're looking for without reading everything else in the process, especially when it's all clumped up in the teeny-weeny little box in-game.

    I think it would be much more convenient if each of the actions were separated into its own page like this:

    Page 1

    Page 2

    Page 3

    The log would flip pages/actions as they happen, the same way it automatically scrolls now. If you want to go back and see what happened, it would be as simple as pressing the arrow to flip the page back until you see whatever play you're looking for.

    If the chat were to be separated from the log, it would also be really nice if we could adjust the size of the windows and move them freely.

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