To be more realistic the following show be changed with LOS: If a character is standing between your and your target they should block your line of sight if the Projectile or Magic Attack is a strait attack (ex. Fireball, Lightning shots from yourself, Spraying acid in a line). Some attacks may not need a direct line to hit there target though. Say perhaps a Lightning type spell that actually hits by forming a cloud above them...this would mean you can still hit them even if a person is standing in between you and them as long as you could partially see them standing behind someone (not a wall) Healing could work both ways also...Is a direct blast of healing power needed to hit the target being emitted from the users location....or is that specific healing more mental in nature and no direct line needed. Overall I believe this would be great to have implemented in the game, but I could see that it may not be possible becuase it would require too much more codeing on top the mechanics already in place.
I get what you're saying. In D&D, it depends on the dimensions of the projectile, if that's the type of ability used. A D&D fireball can be roughly 3' in diameter, which is pretty hard for someone to dodge out of the way of. A D&D Magic Missile fires multiple projectiles that arch towards their target, surpassing obstacles so long as you have LoS with the target. Small D&D projectiles, like arrows and smoke bombs, can be thrown over or around some obstacles, depending on the character's Dex rolls. Since this game draws many comparisons to classic Dungeon Crawlers and Dungeons and Dragons, I think it would be something that makes sense. I don't think my Big Zaps would be able to sway past a friendly to hit a target beyond, but certainly tossing a Bad Medicine past a friendly to hit a hostile would most certainly be possible. Likewise, it makes little sense for a Penetrating Stab to be able to go through a friendly with no damage, to hit the hostile. Cone attacks hit all in the path indiscriminately, friend and foe alike, which makes perfect sense, but then it makes me wonder why friendlies in LoS aren't affected by other cards that cross over them.
Gameplay > realism, though, and at this point the game has been balanced so ranged attacks deal a lot less damage than melee and wizards have a lot less hp than warriors. To nerf them by making it harder to get LoS to target would require re-balancing everything. No point in wasting developer resources for something like this. If the game was still in early beta it'd be a different story.