change perplexing ray cards* type to psychic

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by WhiteSorcerer, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. WhiteSorcerer

    WhiteSorcerer Guild Leader

    so you can nerf spark inductor/generator

    *perplexing ray, short perplexing ray, memory loss

    even telekinesis could fit this type
  2. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    This seems like it would make wizards very irrelevant if you nerf their main line of defense.
    FrigusMacto likes this.
  3. WhiteSorcerer

    WhiteSorcerer Guild Leader

    maybe, but we could see more traits boosting different types of cards
  4. Deepweed

    Deepweed Thaumaturge

    As long as there are new traits this makes absolutely no sense at all. Why nerf wizard control effects when it's obvious rampaging warriors are very strong right now?
  5. WhiteSorcerer

    WhiteSorcerer Guild Leader

    The thing is that i would like more variety of types and traits. Currently a lot of cards are arcane/electrical and they overshadow the other types because electroporter novice is the most viable mage skill and the most enconpassing. I think these changes should be made for a more interesting interaction mechanic but other balance issues should be addressed as well.

    If a trait for psychic boosted the cards so the target got stunned for 1 turn for example, discard cards could become better
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015

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