Central Processing Unit

Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by BlackVoidDeath, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Core Processor / Motherboard


    You are the Captain of a Ship which has been experiencing several issues in the matrix over the past few days. Your workers have been reporting rogue programs roaming the matrix but because they have not caused any issues then you have been ignoring the warnings. This morning the CP has been attacked by the rogue programs and they have seized control of the Ship! You venture into the Matrix to eliminate the now classified as viruses, programs and take back control of your Ship.

    Central Processing Unit1.jpg Central Processing Unit2.jpg Central Processing Unit3.jpg

    You manage to take back your Ship before the Mutants destroy the Processor, you return back to the bridge and continue commanding. Your Ship shall fly another day.

    Please give constructive feedback, thankyou in advance!
    Also dont forget to comment on which version you like the most.

    • All of your characters can draw invisibility - keep this in mind when planning where to place your characters.
    • The map is highly dependent on placing your characters in the right locations and playing your cards very carefully - I didnt do that before, and kept losing in all three scenarios, now I win almost every game because I actually pay attention and place my characters carefully.
    • The Captain can draw Adaptable as it's "armor" but the spiders can draw Mutated Chitin which is very useful to hide behind when Gary starts throwing Radioactive Pulses around like there is no tomorrow.
    • Taking control of VP is very important, but you must also kill the mutants before they overrun you - you must balance both of these out to win.

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    Last edited: Nov 21, 2015
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Here's a tip: there's already a Central Processing Unit scenario in the game, so if you ever want to submit this to MM, change the name. :p
    BlackVoidDeath and timeracers like this.
  3. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Dammit! Any ideas on what to change it to?
    I got one but its pretty lame: Core Processor
  4. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    BlackVoidDeath likes this.
  5. I think that this scenario can do without the resurrection. The moment the Brainy Mutant gets Invisibility he becomes overpowered anyway and with Adaptable too he can only lose by random curses replacing Invisibility or discarding Adaptable from radiation hits. Same with the spiders, with Invisibility and a lot of moves like Scamper and Dodge, you can pretty much get to the VPs fast. I played all versions and the most difficult for me was the first with only 1 VP, mainly because the cyber boss was invisible and got there first, but there is more potential with more than one. I think you should go for multiple VP but they shouldn't all be concentrated in the middle. I would put some VPs close to the Cyber Gunners so that they would rush to catch them and you'd have to kill them one at a time while leaving some of your own at other VPs. Or have some blocking terrain in the middle of those VPs i.e. a cross consisted of 5 blocking terrains, right in the middle of the square in the last scenario.
    Also another thing: You are fighting viruses with bugs! Who are you, Microsoft? :) (fun fact: the opposite of Microsoft would be Megahard which is a cool name for a scenario, although not of a cardhuntrian nature :D ). My point is, why use spiders? Why not something which will give you an advantage but only through support and not as OP as the spiders? Like servants for example. I guess it's a human made ship and so the avatars should resemble humans. It would be way more challenging.

    To sum it up:
    -If you keep it like it is, I would go with the last version but no resurrection.
    -I would spread the VPs and maybe have some blocking terrain between them.
    -I would replace the spiders because they are too strong with invisibility. OR add more enemies.

    As for names: Matricide, Matrocities, No Tell Inside, Order IN the Core, Mal-War, Super-Amazing-Brain-Without Body-Leader-And-Fearsome-Magic-Spider-Warriors (bet it sounds cooler in Japanese), Upgrade to Windows 10...
    BlackVoidDeath likes this.
  6. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Point taken - here are the maps without resurrection.
    Well, the spiders are the only "Cyber" characters that exist (thought they never appear in the cyber maps, their portraits look similar) other than the Mutants and the GM characters.
    Also I wanted it to seem like only you can travel into the cyber world/they can only send one thing into the cyber world at one time, but they also created two programs to aid you in recapturing the Processor.
    Most of my maps rely on the player's imagination to create a backstory - which I always create for myself when making the map.
    *Ahem* I am not permitted to disclose this information.

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