CardStock II Secret Preview

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Sir Knight, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    So there's this level 17 adventure on my map (see thread title) and I can't find a mention of it on the forums. It appeared with the last patch but it's not listed in the patch notes. At the same time, Card Hunt 2 vanished from my game. (Also, Dungeon of the Swamp King transformed into a Treasure Hunt and locked itself. I can understand fiddling like that; just not this other change.)

    CardStock II Secret Preview is a collection of standard multiplayer maps, just like Card Hunt 2, but doesn't appear to have full integration into the story yet. Was it released by mistake?
  2. Card Hunter Joe

    Card Hunter Joe Blue Manchu

    This is a replacement for Card Hunt 2. We've re-worked the ending a lot of times! I'm confident it will be complete in the next build.
  3. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    It's a clever name, I say. It's amusing and it doesn't make anyone go "Huh? When was Card Hunt 1?" ('cause they forgot about the gladiatorial arena).
  4. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    If you build it, they will come.
  5. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    But that means they won't remember my imaginary glory, unacceptable!

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