Card Mechanics: Flanking Move

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Morkon, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Morkon

    Morkon Kobold

    I don't get it. I'm confused about the mechanics of the card Flanking Move.
    The card text says: "If you don't end this move adjacent to an enemy, take another turn."

    What does this mean "take another turn"?
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    It works as per keyword Cantrip, but with the mentioned limitation. Meaning you get to play another card if you don't end your movement next to an enemy.
  3. Spooky2

    Spooky2 Kobold

    You and Gary rotate turns playing one card each. So with Flanking Move, if you use it to escape an enemy or not close with one, you get to play a second card before Gary gets a turn to play a card. As Pengw1n mentioned, this is the effect that keyword Cantrip brings into play which allows for some potent two card combos.
  4. funny

    funny Mushroom Warrior

    Works very well with reach or step attacks.
  5. Morkon

    Morkon Kobold

    Thx a lot for the quick answers! Now I got it! :)

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