Card Hunter artwork for real world use

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by davidelrizzo, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. davidelrizzo

    davidelrizzo Kobold

    My first week in the game and I am loving it. What strikes me especially is the awesome old-school RPG artwork that truly captures the feeling of games I played as a kid.

    I just keep thinking how cool it would be to be able to play real tabletop games with these tile-sets and creature cards. Is there any chance the artwork could be made available as PNGs or vector art (seeing as it's in flash) that could be flat/non-isometric for printing? I would actually pay for that set of artwork to use in home games and I am sure others would too.

    Even happy to help convert the art if needed. I have a Flash dev background + Photoshop and Illustrator skills :)
    Mistersam, Ben_Lee and Flaxative like this.
  2. Trundil

    Trundil Kobold

    I came here because of the art. I want the real paper minis. I mean I want all the heroes and monsters to print and craft paper minis for my regular tabletop gaming. I would pay 5$ for a pdf and I think there are a lot others out there who would luckily do that, too.
    Ben_Lee and Flaxative like this.
  3. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I'd be in for this. Totally.
    Ben_Lee likes this.
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Yes please!
    Ben_Lee likes this.
  5. Ben_Lee

    Ben_Lee Art Director, Chief Executive in charge of Laundry Staff Member

    This is something we are considering in some form in the future. We would like a few sets too!
    (For those interested -I hand draw all the art in photoshop, none of it is vector.)

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