Can't progress past "Our tale begins in..."

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Kyeltsar, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Kyeltsar

    Kyeltsar Kobold

    Our tale begins in Cardhuntia, in the Orc's Head Tavern...

    I went and entered the tavern, selected a warrior, but after the warrior was already chosen, the tab was still open, and the text hadn't progressed. So I exited, the first adventure was up, finished that, but now I can't progress because the tutorial is stuck on the above message.
  2. reekfb

    reekfb Kobold

    Same here. I ended up selecting 2 characters but the only available icon in the minimap is the tavern, with no signs of progress.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yes, there seems to be an issue with character creation. You're only supposed to be able to create one character at that state in the tutorial - I created only one, even with the "free" tag and I had zero warriors when I entereted the tavern. I could then create a new one and progress. Hoping for a hotfix - we're seeing some bugs we've never seen before. Hopefully it's not load related.
  4. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Hey guys! Can I get your login names (if different from your forum name) if this is still happening? Thanks!
  5. reekfb

    reekfb Kobold

    My login name is still reekfb and the bug is still happening.

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