Campaign to Multiplayer, all items lost.

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Wamphyri0, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Wamphyri0

    Wamphyri0 Kobold

    Hmm think I have found a major bug. Was playing on campaign mode & got characters up to level 6. Then had a go on mutiplayer and it automatically equipped my characters with high level items. Now when I go back to campaign I only have these high level items, most of which I can't equip because my characters are not high enough level. :(
  2. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Might it be that your characters also changed? The old characters with their old equipment can be found on the left (click the small arrow pointing to left or drag the screen) at the party management screen in your Keep. I've often wondered where my stuff is and then found it on a character I earlier swapped out of the party.
    Phaselock likes this.
  3. Wamphyri0

    Wamphyri0 Kobold

    Nope gets odder. My 4 campaign characters were there but all were reset to level 1 with no equipment. The multiplayer charcters seem to have been given the level/XP/Health that my 3 main campaign players had but with the Mutiplayer equipment which is too high a level for them to use on campaigns. Looks like I am going to have to go back to a few earlier adventures to get the chests to replenish my weapons and stuff.
  4. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Do you have a screenshot ? Preferably one from your sp keep and the other from your mp keep ? I hear 'A picture usually says a thousand words.' :)
  5. Wamphyri0

    Wamphyri0 Kobold

    Afraid not now as I deleted all the level 1 players and sold all the loot & have stared doing some level 3/4 dungeons to get the chests back and restock on items :(
  6. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    The things you describe sound like what happens when MP characters are studied in SP mode. In MP, all characters are changed to level 18, no matter their SP level. MP characters originating from the MP Starter Packs are level 1 in SP (but they can be leveled up in SP).

    The characters look different depending on whether you view them in the MP mode or SP mode. Could you check all of your characters and their inventories in both modes? Hope this helps.

    EDIT: Too late.
  7. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I'd suggest not deleting characters and selling loot if you want the devs to be able to check for bugs - if there's indeed something wrong, selling/deleting probably makes it a lot harder to check. If this happens again, take that into consideration.
  8. Wamphyri0

    Wamphyri0 Kobold

    Hi. No my SP charaters had no inventory. To summarise

    3 SP characters player to level 6 , one added to party unplayed and stayed at level 1, with items accumulated from chests.
    Went on MP mode and played a couple of campaigns with characters created for MP mode
    Switched back to SP mode. Original 4 SP characters were all at level 1 with no items. MP characters were at the level/XP/Health of the SP characters were and had the MP items which they could not use.

    Deleted original SP characters and am now sticking to campaign mode only with my level 6 MP characters.

    Hope that makes sense. :)
  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    ALL characters are SP characters - they just don't gain xp when used in MP, and are automatically levelled (or delevelled if higher) to lvl 18. Maybe this is what's causing the confusion? If you buy a MP starer pack you get 3 new lvl 1 sp characters et c...

    If you levelled characters in SP that you believe lost levels - I'd say it's still a misstake to delete them, as that doesn't help the devs track any potential bug. Also, potentially - did you switch costumes for your mp party and maybe got confused and used your original sp characters are your mp party? Thus the characters you deleted could have been the mp chars from the pack?
  10. Wamphyri0

    Wamphyri0 Kobold

    Yea I know I should have taken screenshots etc. However nothign explains what happened to all the items that my characters had which disappeared and were replaced with MP items which they could not use.

    Not to worry, it's a free game and I am not really whingeing. Just thought to bring it to attention so that the devs can replicate something similar themselves & maybe see what might have happened.
  11. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yeah, reporting bugs are important - just saying it's hard to replicate (and this sounds like a serious one if it's as you say) if you dont' save the information. Also, this doesn't sound like anything reported before, so people are just trying to figure out if it could be down to some misunderstanding.

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