Sooo... I am still in the Campaign and enjoying it a lot. (Thanks for that). As you can see in my signature I really like some of Garys Comments (and of the others as well). The reason why I post this thread right now is Garys comment in the Module "Citrine Demon Portal" - 4th Adventure: He says he likes SciFi and states than: "I'm still recovering from the Christmas TV special though. I'm trying to scour it from my memory." I immediately had to think of the "Star Wars Holiday Special" and was wondering: Just a coincidence or a well placed Easter Egg? Do you have any favorite comments in the Campaign? *cuddles* Sisquinanamook
Oh it is most definitely that Christmas special. Everyone on the team is of an age where super-coked up Carrie Fisher and "Lumpy" are burned into our brains I can't pick a single line because they all bring back such amazing memories of playing boxed-set D&D in my cousin's basement! I really miss having a dedicated gaming group that's in it for the loot, the glory, and the endless character deaths!
I sadly (or luckily?) never had a chance to see this Special. I am from Germany and born in 1984 so when it was broadcasted (I believe it was 1978?) it was neither in my country nor was I even born. But i had the chance to see a (quite funny) review of this "piece of culture" with many scenes from the movie itself. Which is why I know of its existence. I am with you. I think this is one of the few things I am really missing not being in school anymore; The time I could spend with my friends in all the fabulouses worlds of D&D, DSA and Shadowrun. But I did found an Earthdawn group at my work and maybe (just maybe) I'll have the Chance to take part in their group and playing my first Windling Beastmaster. (If I find the time for it). Ok it's nearly 1am here. Bedtime for me. seeya! *cuddles* Sisquinanamook
Hmm . . . Ya know . . . we've been waiting on a "Gamemaster mode" for Card Hunter. People have pondered how this feature could be used not just with Card Hunter buddies, but with your RPG friends. Some folks like to play RPG battles using miniatures: if you're at a distance, you could create custom scenarios and use Card Hunter's "miniatures" instead. In this hypothetical future. Meanwhile, Sisquinanamook, I think those quotes get even more awesome out-of-context in your signature line.
Yep. Have seen some of those idea constructs in older Threads. I had an idea myself combining the upcoming Friends Feature with this Gamemaster Mode, but after I've seen that there is "at least" a possibility to create custom modules (which is great) and that a Friends system is "under construction" I never posted it. But it would be really nice, because I am a huge fan of battling with miniatures in P&P myself and most of my old school friends which whom I have played are living now some distances away. Basically it would have been the possibility for players to create a guild with one guildmaster. But the wording would have been "Adventure Group" (instead of Guild) and "Dungeon Master" (instead of guildmaster). One Player creates his own Adventure Group and invites others as "Adventurers" (instead if Guildmembers). He is the Dungeon Master and he can create own Adventures. I thought about something like a third view: we have "Campaign" and we have "Multiplayer". The third one could be "Adventures". On this view you have your "Adventurers Camp" (instead of Guidlhall). It's the Equivalent to the Keeps in Multiplayer and Campaign. In this Camp you can create and equip your Character. Each Adventurer can only play one Character at a time (instead of 3 like in MP and SP). But you can store/retrieve your Characterbuild just as in the other Keeps. The Shops would be the same as in the MP. Instead of "create custom/casual game" the DungeonMaster could have the options "create/load adventure & assemble group". In assemble group he can manage the Adventurers (instead of Guildmanagement) like: assigning them to specific Adventures/Modules/Scenarios, inviting new Adventurers to the Group or removing them. And in create/load adventure he can unlock specific modules from the SinglePlayer Campaign or choose from a set of Custom Maps or Custom Modules. [Custom Modules is not yet implemented, but could be something like custom maps in Multiplayer only that Players (everyone not only from your Adventure Group) can create modules like in SP - available for every player in a specific level range]. Instead of the Chest as you can see them in the MP view, you would have different adventures where your adventurers can continue their game. Instead of the lobby chat and the MP people online list, you could have the Adventurers Chat and the Adventurer online list. This would enable friends to play together some Adventures online, to chat with friends and stuff... but it is only a basic raw idea and as you said: others have pondered about this too and I am sure they have better and more well constructed ideas than my feeble mind construct (even so I have created images for this third view ^^*) Thanks! I just absolutely love them. I want a black shirt with pink letters saying "Cotton Candy Cadavers!". ^^ *cuddles* Sisquinanamook