Campaign length?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by usputni_boem, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. usputni_boem

    usputni_boem Kobold


    I'm currently managing a 15 level party, and I'm wondering how much more single player content is there? Can you actually finish the single player part of the game?
  2. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    Hello, campaign is 20 level long. That's maximum level, there are ...

    2 15th level adventures
    3 16th level adventures
    3 (+1 treasure hunt) 17th level adventures
  3. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    After you finish, all maps unlock quests, where you can redo them and gain rewards if you do them without dying, with 1 hp on each party member, or other variable requirements. Realistically, you will never finish all of those, so the content is pretty lengthy, though it's rehashed old content, so you can consider the game won when you finish with the final level 17 adventure. Then, it's Multiplayer time.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Won, for now. That's only the end of the release content.
  5. usputni_boem

    usputni_boem Kobold

    Right. So, when can we expect more adventures?

    Thanks for the replies.
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I should think so, the levelling system is designed up to lvl 50 - and there are plenty of already designed cards not currently in rotation. It all depends on how the game is recieved - which looks pretty damn positive atm! I'm sure we'll hear more about their plans once things have stabilized.
  7. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    I can at least vouch for several level 17 and 18 module to be added in the near future. I do not know of any plan beyond that though.
  8. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    rly? Are they on the test server?
  9. Lucielle

    Lucielle Kobold

    During Beta they accidentally released two more level 18 adventures. One was an indoor dungeon crawl of some sort that didn't really work, and the other one was a return to the Astral Halls. The Astral Halls one was, if I remember correctly, the most difficult of the campaigns I'd had to do by far, and this was after PVPing enough to be close to 1400 ELO.
  10. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Well, those were Joe messing about with stuff - and released in an unfinished state. We can't say for sure they'll make it to release (due to concepts not always working on for test stuff). However, it's worth noting that there' a few monsters not seen in the campaign (I'm looking at you Ice Demon! And some guard types...) - unless they got switched in during late beta and I didn't notice. That's a good sign!
  11. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    The official Adventures spreadsheet has three that cannot currently be unlocked:
    In Search of the Elixir
    In the Dungeons of the Dark Brotherhood
    Tomb of Dread
    The custom scenario editor has Elite Guards. I think someone even used them in a contest entry.
  12. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    You forget to mention the level, its 17-18-18 :)
  13. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Elite Guards and Sword Guards 1, and yeah - those are the names of Joe's adventure that "leaked".

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