One minor change I would like to see made is buying starter packs. Currently, when you buy a starter pack, there is no way of knowing which starter packs you own. I have just purchased 1800 pizzas, and one of the things I want to buy is all the starter packs, but I don't know which ones I own and it also gives the impression that you could buy the same starter pack multiple times. Maybe the intention was to always allow the user to buying the same starter pack multiple times, if so, would it be possible to let the user know that they own that starter pack already.
You could buy a pack multiple times, which will give you the same item again. Some items only appear once in a pack, which means you can have multiple copies of it right away to construct a better deck. I'm sure it was the intention, the characters are all lvl 1, which translate to the equivalent gold in the tavern is 30 gold for a pack