Burfft {a.k.a The most (likely) Comprehensive Build about Burst around!}

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Ghostbrain, May 16, 2015.

  1. Ghostbrain

    Ghostbrain Ogre

    Hey to all! This is (hopefully) a great way to start your day! Looking into why and how burfft is so bleeding difficult to handle, and how to tackle the basic premise of it's build.

    A Stouty introduction into why I love burfft.

    I've written some guides way back whenever, and basically, from it all I love, LOVE trait cycling; The best way to trait is using pesky wizardary, in that, you can make the most of a draw fast. All you need is my bigger love, Priests! I have tried them all, from Vamp to Cause (fumble)! Three fail due to movement (even before nerf on team move). Two failed due to damage ratio (Push with one wiz, go for it man! Use some talented healing, then- death from parry most likely). One is well, whatever you want. I went to two wiz after losing so many battles with warriors that had an almighty hack and tons of step.

    Play the game!

    Heck, no! I don't wanna play without weighting aces, anyone who disagrees, slap me in the back and Kick Me! Burfft exists abusing a system of movement. If using wizards, you never make one designed to be in the thick of it all. Instead you rely on LOS, and being able to abuse LOS is nothing short of design. My bursts will do 4 damage until it is buffed. That horrible lankey elf hits me 11 every swing! It's fair to say though, that this is easy to change.

    The Deck!


    Level 11 Dwarf Priest

    Level 20 Dwarf Wizard

    Level 18 Dwarf Wizard

    How does it work?

    With an exceptionally good Priest, I can maintain a damage/heal ratio. The game is as so, damage before health, health before block/armor, move before damage/health. (least this is the way a wizard type dude should think!) The main man, Pimple, can (with a degree of luck) hit when fully burfft, 16 damage. Say playing well on the best hand ever, you hit all three. You reveal whatever defense they owned and most likely hurt two of the three. That is the perfect scenario to play for.

    Thinking about the best case often leads to excess, like crazy whorls. Zitz is, in alot of ways, an undesirable effect. Often leading to choices like, do I burfft him instead of pimple? Waste one turn doing it, only to find that he blasts both your guys for 10 or whatever else. However, he maintains his desired health from optin 3, blocking stuff! It may not be the best way, but for damage he's still up there with Pimple.

    The secret to all this goo is Rash! Some games I played people scoff his damage first round, hit with unpreventable damage, gets a raging strike, gets hit by the bleeding whorl (once again!) Thankful, his cantrip-self of healing adds 2 per time each Inspiring Presence, so it is justifable, just a probable factor to lose alot of health quick before playing decent cards. (aka, having a turn!)
    Christofff, CT5, Pawndawan and 2 others like this.
  2. Christofff

    Christofff Guild Leader

    Great work GB.

    Besdies early rushes and smoke bombs, this deck looks pretty solid. Would love to hear how it performs on the currentr series of maps.

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