Builds with AI items

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Obernoob, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    Have you used any AI items in MP or SP? I updated my high level farming party and think Cape Of Dark Magic is great:

    Level 23 Dwarf Wizard

    Level 23 Human Priest

    Unfortunatly the trait is Hover, which is way worse than Dimensional Traveller and makes it unplayable in most of my decks like Volcano Acc. Time, which use

    For MP Evensong may be worth a try, since all cards are really good. One Controlled Overswing in the deck is great and often enough the opponent dont expect heavy hitters from the priest, even if it is more supportive, as a priest with Evensong will be. Btw. I have an as strong love for Greater Heal as @Soularmadyl has. It can totally screw up opponent plans.
    visak13 likes this.
  2. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    I updated also my other EttSC party:

    Level 23 Dwarf Warrior

    Level 23 Dwarf Priest

    Having Blind Rage and Battle Rage on a dwarf feels so ... angry. :D Or with the Flavour Text from Raging Goblin: "He raged at the world, at his family, at his life. But mostly he just raged."
    seth arue likes this.
  3. visak13

    visak13 Ogre

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