Hello, I have seen some weird behaviour for the "Spawn Elementals" card. It mostly spawns the same elemental in the same position, the outcome being 1 extra elemental (instead of the 2 you'd expect) For example, the text will read Breach spawns poison elementals. Breach resurrected Hemlock Breach resurrected Hemlock ... but only 1 new monster appears. It also looks glitchy with the monster appearing in the same position. This seems to happen even if there are 3 elementals or less (ie where there is room for another 2) Console snippet: BATTLE LOG: Scenario=AI H3,Room=AI11 (Rev_John),RoomID=238197,Msg=The active player is now Gary BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=AI H3,Room=AI11 (Rev_John),RoomID=238197,Event=PlayAction,Action=Spawn Elementals,Instigator=Breach,Targets= BATTLE LOG: Scenario=AI H3,Room=AI11 (Rev_John),RoomID=238197,Msg=The active player is now Rev_John