Hello, After the reword of movement, I see two bug with movement. The first is with Rushing Aura with double card attack/move like Dancing cut. The rushing aura don't give his bonus to the card attack/move but encumber affect this type of carte. The second bug is with immovable and Whirlwind or .Whirlwind enemies In fact when a character as immovable on him and an opponent play whirlwind, the character move. Friendly, Platouf.
Based on changelog, Rushing aura is WAI. It should not affect Dancing cut. Immovable vs Whirlwind is a known bug, read it here.
Hello, Thanks for the answer, i didn't notice this line of change log. I think I had miss-write immovable. I found nothing. Friendly, Platouf.
Rushing Aura should now say: Whenever you play a Move card, add 2 to its Move Points. Does not affect Step moves.Keep"